For a full bibliography, click the Bibliography link at the end of the list.


       Remembering the hooked, the trawled, and the netted!

       Publication details all recorded Coelacanth Catches!


     Years of painstaking research by "coelaphiles" Rik Nulens, Lucy Scott, and Marc Herbin, produce the most accurate account of coelacanth catches ever published- 2022

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        A new book by researcher Peter L. Forey, questions the currently accepted lineage of coelacanths. Is this fish our ancestor afterall?

Mike Bruton's life as a fish!


     The former JLB Smith Institute director details his years of working with coelacanths.

click here for enlarged cover pdf

Courtesy Mike Bruton

Erdmann, M.V., Caldwell, R.L., Moosa, M.K. (1998) Indonesian "King of the Sea" discovered. Nature 395

Fricke, H.W., Reinicke O., Hofer H., and W. Nachtigall (1987) Locomotion of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae in its natural environment. Nature 329, 331--333

Fricke, H.W. and R., Plante (1988) Habitat requirements of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae at Grande Comore, Indian Ocean. Naturwissenschaften 75, 149-151

Balon E., Bruton M. and H.W. Fricke (1988) A fiftieth anniversary reflection of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae: some interpretations of the natural history and conservation status. Env. Biol. Fish 23, 241-280

Forey P. (1989) Le coelacanthe. La recherche 215, 1319-1326

Fricke, H.W. and K. Hissmann (1990) Natural habitat of the coelacanth. Nature 346, 323-324

Piton B., Kasang L., Marsac F. and R. Plante (1990) L'habitat du coelacanthe aux Comores: quelques donnees d'environnement physique. Documents Scientifiques ORSTOM-Brest 58, 1-19

Gorr T., Kleinschmidt T. and H.W. Fricke (1991) Close tetrapod relationships of the coelacanth Latimeria initiated by hemoglobin sequences. Nature 351, 394-397

Fricke H.W., Schauer J., Hissmann K., Kasang L. and R. Plante (1991) Coelacanths aggregate in caves: first observations on their resting habitat and social behavior. Env. Biol. Fish. 30, 281-285

Fricke H.W., Hissmann K., Schauer J., Reinicke O. and R. Plante (1991) Habitat and population size of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae at Grande Comore. Env. Biol. Fish. 32, 287-300

Fricke H.W. and K. Hissmann (1991) Coelacanths,- the fate of a famous fish. Oceanus 34(3), 44-45

Fricke H.W. and K. Hissmann (1991) Die Entdeckung des Quastenflossers. Begleitkarte zum Film 3210145, FWU-Institut fur Film und Bild, Gleiselgasteig / Munchen, Sektion Biologie.

Fricke H.W. and K. Hissmann (1992) Locomotion, fin coordination and body of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. Env. Biol. Fish. 34, 329-356

Fricke H.W. (1992) Coelacanth tissue bank. Nature 357, 105

Heemstra, P.C. & P.H. Greenwood. 1992. New observations on the visceral anatomy of the late-term fetuses of the living coelacanth fish and the oophagy controversy. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B (249): 49-55

Fricke, H.W. & J. Frahm. 1992. Evidence for lecithotrophic viviparity in the living coelacanth. Naturwissenschaften 79: 476-479

Bruton , M.N., Cabral, A.J.P. & H.W. Fricke. 1992 First capture of a coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae (Pisces, Latimeriidae), off Mozambique. South African Journal of Science, 88: 225-227

Fricke H.W. (1992) Die Biologie des Quastenflossers. Beigleitkarte zum Film 3210146, FWU-Institut fur Film und Bild, Gleiselgasteig / Munchen, Sektion Biologie.

Scliewen U., Fricke H.W., Schartl M., Epplen, J.T. and S. Paabo. Which home for coelacanths? Nature 363, 405

Fricke H.W. (1993) Der Quastenflosser-- Biologie eines legendaren Fisches. Biologie in unserer Zeit 23(4),

Fricke H.W. and K. Hissmann (1994) Home range and migrations of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. Mar. Biol. 120, 171-180

Fricke H.W., Hissmann K., Schauer J. and R. Plante (1995) Yet more danger for coelacanths. Nature 374,314

Plante R. (1995) Les coelacanthes- les geants bleus des Comores. Oceanorama 25, 22-25

Hissmann K. and H.W. Fricke (1996) Movements of the epicaudal fin in coelacanths. Copeia 1996(3),605-615

Heemstra, P.C., A.L.J. Freeman, H.Y. Wong , D.A. Hensley & H.D. Rabesandratana. 1996. First authentic capture of a coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae (Pisces: Latimeriidae), off Madagascar. South African Journal of Science, 92: 150-151

Schauer J., Hissmann K. and H.W. Fricke (1997) A method for deployment of externally attached sonic fish tags from a manned submersible and their effects on coelacanths. Mar. Biol. 123, 359-362

Plante R. (1997) Un fossile vivant en sursis?. Oceanorama 27, 16-18

Hissmann, K., Fricke, H.W. and J. Schauer (1998). Population monitoring of a living fossil: the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae in decline? Conservation Biol. 12(4), 759-765

Plante R., Hissmann K. and H.W. Fricke.(1998) Coelacanth population, conservation and fishery activity at Grande Comore. Submitted to Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 166, 231-236

Fricke H.W. (1997) Living coelacanths: values, eco-ethics and human responsibility. Submitted to Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 161, 1-15

L. Pouyaud, S. Wirjoat Modjo, I. Rachmatika, A. TjakrawidJa, R. Hadiaty, W. Habie "A New Coelacanth," Comptes Rendus de L'academie des Sciences, #4, Avril 1999

Holder, M.T., M.V. Erdmann, T.P. Wilcox, R.L. Caldwell and D.M. Hillis 1999. Two living species of coelacanths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96: 12616-12620

Listings courtesy of the late Phil Heemstra, J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa and Raphael Plante, Centre Oceanologique de Marseille, Marseille, France.

Special Thanks to Rik Nulens for corrections to the listings on this web page and for this, the World's most complete Coelacanth Bibliograhy updated through 2022 (Opens in new window as Microsoft Excel Worksheet. With a Mac it comes as a download to be opened).

Coelacanth Bibliography


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