Recollections of the Past 30 years pursuing Coelacanths
Jerome Hamlin, creator
In the 1980's notice of meetings at the Explorers Club would go out by mail. But sometimes Francis at the front desk would call me directly to promote an event. She might not know exactly what the event was about and just say "Oh one of those things you all are interested in!"
For much of the 1980's Francis at the front desk, was guardian of the Explorers Club.
An early information sheet for thecoelacanth project I printed out in 1985.
I had become a member of the Royal Geographic Society in London and picked up booklets on expeditions in the summer of '86.
We began to develop flight information for a fall '86 reconaissance visit to Comoros.
Even before the reconassaince trip, I made a sketch as to how a fishing capture of a coelacanth might work. Elements of this would eentually be tried.