Mydocs Volume Number Publication / Journal / Book Additional Info / Date Publication Year Number of Pages Author(s) Title
9 26th Ann. Meeting of Japan. Neurochemical Research 1983 1120 Tamai Y., Kojima H., Abe K., Suzuki A. Evolutionary change of glycolipids and myelin-proteins in the brain of the primitive bony fishes (in Japanese)
58th Ann. Meeting of Pacific Div. (A.A.A.S.) 1977 3 Lagios Michael D. Abstract: The coelacanth and the chondrichthyes as sister groups. A review of shared apomorph characters and a cladistic analysis and reinterpretation
58th Ann. Meeting of Pacific Div. (A.A.A.S.) 1977 4 Rand Ch.S. Abstract: Blood cells and hemopoitic tissues of Latimeria chalumnae (adult and embryo)
58th Ann. Meeting of Pacific Div. (A.A.A.S.) 1977 6 Miller William A. Abstract: Further observations on the mineralized tissues of Latimeria chalumnae
ABC  News August, 19 1998 Jensen Mary N. In search of 'Living Fossils': Ancient fish in decline
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Academic Press, London 1973 137-177 Gardiner B.G., Greenwood P. Humphry, Miles R.S., Patterson C. (ed.) Interrelationships of crossopterygians in: "Interrelationships of Fishes (Supplement on Nr. 53 Zool. J. Linn. Soc. London)"
Academic Press, London 1973 179-205 Gardiner B.G., Greenwood P. Humphry, Miles R.S., Patterson C. (ed.) Relationships of coelacanthiforms in: "Interrelationships of Fishes (Supplement on Nr. 53 Zool. J. Linn. Soc. London)"
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Academic Press, London 1968 159-172 Haslewood G.A.D., Hawkes J.G. (ed.) Bile salt differences in relation to taxonomy and systematics in: "Chemotaxonomy and Serotaxonomy"
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Academic Press, London 1977 77-121 Patterson C. Cartilage bones, dermal bones and membrane bones, or the exoskeleton versus the endoskeleton in: "Problems in Vertebrate Evolution. Linn. Soc. Lond. Symp. Ser. 4" [ISBN 0-12059950-3]
Academic Press, London 1977 271-288 Andrews S.M. The axial skeleton of the coelacanth, Latimeria in: "Problems in Vertebrate Evolution. Linn. Soc. Lond. Symp. Ser. 4"
1 Academic Press, London Vol 1 of 2 1980 575pp Jarvik Erick Basic Structure and Evolution of Vertebrates
Academic Press, London 1984 Potts G.W., Wootton R.J. (ed) Fish Reproduction: Strategies and Tactics
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Academic Press, London 1980 Panchen A.L. (ed.) The terrestrial environment and the origin of land vertebrates (Syst. Assoc. spec. Vol. N° 15)
Academic Press, London 1980 159-175 Patterson C. Origin of tetrapods: historical introduction to the problem in: "The terrestrial environment and the origin of land vertebrates (Syst. Assoc. spec. Vol. N° 15)"
Academic Press, London 1980 187-222 Thomson Keith Stewart The ecology of Devonian lobe-finned fishes in: "The terrestrial environment and the origin of land vertebrates (Syst. Assoc. spec. Vol. N° 15)"
Academic Press, London 1986 Pang Peter K.T., Schreibman M.P., Gorbman A.(ed.) Vertebrate endocrinology: fundamentals and biomedical implications: Vol I. Morphological considerations
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Academic Press, London 1984 1-72 Hughes George M. General anatomy of the gills in: "Fish Physiology. Vol. 10A"
Academic Press, New York 1952 Wald G. Modern Trends in Physiology and Biochemistry
2 Academic Press, New York 1955 2 Vols Dounce A.L., (Chargaff E. and Davidson J. eds)  The Nucleic Acids
2 Academic Press, New York 1960 161 Cohen Peter P., Brown George W. Jr. Comparative Biochemistry
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11 Academic Press, San Diego 1988 Hoar W.S. and Randall D.J. (ed.) Fish Physiology (Vol. XI The physiology of developing fish. Part B - Viviparity and posthatching juveniles) [ISBN 0-12350434-1]
11 Academic Press, San Diego 1988 1-134 Wourms John P., Grove B.D., Lombardi J. The maternal-embryonic relationship in viviparous fishes in: "Fish Physiology (Vol. XI The physiology of developing fish. Part B - Viviparity and posthatching juveniles)" [ISBN 0-12350434-1]
104 1 Acta Anatomica Basel 1979 1-15 Lemire Michel and  Lagios Michael D. Ultrastructure du parenchyme sécréteur de la glande post-anale du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnæ
59 Acta Anatomica Nipponica 1984 496 Sasagawa I., Ishiyama M., Kodera H. Fine structure of the teeth in Latimeria chalumnæ (Coelacanthidæ) (abstract)
39 Acta Anatomica Nipponica 1985 105-115 Sasagawa I., Ishiyama M., Kodera H. Fine structure of the pharyngeal teeth in the coelacanthid fish Latimeria chalumnæ
48 3 Acta Haematologica Japonica May 1985 710-723 Tanaka Y. An anatomical study on the spleen of archaic fishes 1. Coelacanthiformes and Dipneusti (in Japanese)
13 4 Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica December 1975 306 Nieuwenhuys Rudolf, Kremers Jan-Willem P.M., v. Huyzen C. The brain of the crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnæ
13 4 Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica December 1975 307 Kremers Jan-Willem P.M. The structure of the brain stem of Latimeria chalumnæ (abstract)
59 Acta Zoologica, Stockholm 1978 203-214 Bjerring H.C. The 'intracranial joint' versus the 'ventral otic fissure'
72 2 Acta Zoologica, Stockholm June 1991 121-124 Jorgensen J.M. Ciliated Sensory Cells in the Rostral Organ of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ (Smith 1939)
73 Acta Zoologica, Stockholm 1992 115-139 Bemis William E., Northcutt R. Glenn Skin and blood vessels of the snout of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, and their significance for interpreting the cosmine of Devonian lungfishes
74 4 Acta Zoologica, Stockholm October 1993 289-299 Bjerring H.C. Yet another interpretation of the coelacanthiforme basicarnial muscle and its innervation
1179 AFP-Sciences (Paris) Mars, 25 1999 Le coelacanthe d'Indonesie serait une espèce nouvelle
# 2 3 Africa Environment & Wildlife May/June 1994 83 <ANON> Connections: Knysna, Angling Museum (with picture Coelacanth)
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3 7 African Aquarist 1970 13 <ANON> No holds barred in quest for exlusive coelacanths
# 59 African Historical Dictionaries 1994 140pp Ottenheimer Martin, Ottenheimer Harriet Historical Dictionary of the Comoro Islands. Uitgegeven door The Scarecrow Press Inc., Metuchen, N.J. & London (African Historical Dictionaries edited by Jon Woronoff) [ISBN 0-8108-2819-7]
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sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 25-37 Schultze Hans-Peter, Campbell K.S.W. Characterization of the dipnoi, a monophyletic group
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 39-73 Schultze Hans-Peter Dipnoans as sarcopterygians
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 75-91 Forey Peter L. Relationships of lungfishes
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 93-131 Campbell K.S.W., Barwick R.E. Palaeozoic lungfishes - a review
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 133-149 Meinke D.K. Morphology and evolution of the dermal skeleton in lungfishes
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 199-216 Wake M.H. Urogenital morphology of dipnoans, with comparisons to other fishes and to amphibians
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 217-236 Burggren W.W., Johansen K. Circulation and respiration in lungfishes (Dipnoi)
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 249-275 Bemis William E. Feeding systems of living Dipnoi: anatomy and functions
sub 1 Alan R. Liss., New York 1987 277-297 Northcutt R. Glenn Lungfish neural characters and their bearing on sarcopterygian phylogeny
1 Albany Museum, Records of the 1905 338-339 Broom R On a species of Coelacanthus from the Upper Beaufort Beds of Alawi North
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Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm 1968 223-245 Jarvik Erick The systematic position of the Dipnoi in: "Current problems of lower vertebrate phylogeny"
57 4 American Biology Teacher April 1995 202-207 Brown Lauren E. The Lesson of "Latimeria"
96 Amer. Midl. Nat. Monogr. 1976 332-349 Lundberg J., Marsh E. Evolution and functional anatomy of the pectoral fin rays in cyprinoid fishes, with emphasis on the suckers (family Catostomidæ)
224 4 American Journal of Physiology April 1973 950-956 Nishimura H., Ogawa M., Sawyer W.H. Renin-angiotensin system in primitive bony fishes and a holocephalian
1110 American Museum Novitates 1941 17pp Schaeffer Bobb A revision of Coelacanthus newarki and notes on the evolution of the girdles and basal plates of the median fins in the Coelacanthini
1378 American Museum Novitates 1948 32pp Schaeffer Bobb A study of Diplurus longicaudatus with notes on the body form and locomotion of the Coelacanthini
2036 American Museum Novitates July, 7 1961 18pp Schaeffer Bobb, Gregory  Joseph T. Coelacanth fishes from the continental Triassic of the western United States
2866 American Museum Novitates December, 18 1986 30pp Maisey John G. Coelacanths from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil
118 American Naturalist 1981 785-802 Jollie M. Segment and the homologizing of cranial bones
74 American Scientist 1986 169-171 Thomson Keith Stewart A fishy story
77 6 American Scientist 1989 536-538 Thomson Keith Stewart The second coelacanth
81 1 American Scientist January 1993 72-82 Gorr Thomas, Kleinschmidt Traute Evolutionary Relationships of the Coelacanth. Is the coelacanth a close cousin of land vertebrates? The bloodlines suggested by the hemoglobin molecule add fuel to a passionate scientific controversy
81 2 American Scientist 1993 107-108 Swan L.W. Coelacanth and Chips
81 2 American Scientist 1993 108 Swan L.W. Coelacanth and Chips
81 2 American Scientist 1993 108 Gorr Thomas, Kleinschmidt Traute Coelacanth and Chips - Reply
81 2 American Scientist 1993 108 Gorr Thomas, Kleinschmidt Traute Evolutionary Relationships of the Coelacanth (Vol 81, Pg 71, 1993)
81 3 American Scientist 1993 209-210 Meyer Axel Coelacanth Controversy
81 3 American Scientist 1993 210 Milinkovitch M.C. Coelacanth Controversy
81 3 American Scientist 1993 210-211 Gorr Thomas, Kleinschmidt Traute Coelacanth Controversy
87 3 American Scientist May 1999 213-215 Thomson Keith Stewart The coelacanth: Act three
American Society for Ichthyology and Herpetology Lawrence 1984 Moser H.G., Richards W.J., Cohen D.M.,Fahay M.P., Kendall A.W. Jr., Richardson Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes
American Society for Ichthyology and Herpetology Lawrence 1984 50-57 Brothers E.B. Otolith studies in: "Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes"
6 4 American Zoologist 1966 545-546 Grant F. Blake, Pickford Grace E. Ionic composition, urea and serum osmolarity in the blood of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ (abstract)
6 4 American Zoologist 1966 565-566 Thomson Keith Stewart Mobility of the skull and finns in the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnæ Smith)
6 4 American Zoologist 1966 577 Brown George W. Jr., Brown Susan G. Intermediary nitrogen metabolism of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
8 4 American Zoologist 1968 354 Cracraft J. Functional morphology and adaptive significance of cranial kinesis in Latimeria chalumnæ (Coelacanthidæ)
10 American Zoologist 1970 496 Chavin W. Brain pituitary neurosecretory complex of the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri (abstract)
12 American Zoologist 1972 667 Chavin W. The sarcopterygian thyroid (abstract)
12 American Zoologist 1972 730 Griffith Robert W., Thomson Keith Stewart Observations on a dying coelacanth
13 American Zoologist 1973 823-838 Nishimura H., Ogawa M. The renin-angiotensin system in fishes
13 American Zoologist 1973 933-936 Atz James W. Comparative endocrinology and systematics
13 American Zoologist 1973 1348 Imaki H., Chavin W. Ultrastructure of integumental melanophores in the coelacanth (abstract)
15 American Zoologist 1975 801 Di Julio D.H., Brown George W. Jr. Urea levels in tissues of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
15 American Zoologist 1975 806 Northcutt R. Glenn, Neary T.J. Observations on the optic tectum of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
15 American Zoologist 1975 807 Thiruvathukal K.V. Microscopic analysis of selected tissues of Latimeria
17 American Zoologist 1977 365-377 Pang Peter K.T., Griffith Robert W., Atz James W. Osmoregulation in elasmobranchs
19 American Zoologist 1979 986 Hetherington T.E., Bemis William E. Morphological evidence of an electroreceptive function of the rostral organ of Latimeria chalumnæ
20 American Zoologist 1980 962 Wourms John P., Stribling M. Dean, Atz James W. Maternal-fetal nutrient relationship in the coelacanth (abstract)
21 American Zoologist 1981 473-515 Wourms John P. Viviparity: the maternal-fetal relationship in fishes
21 American Zoologist 1981 63-81 Gutman W.F. Relationships between invertebrate phyl based on functional-mechanical analysis of the hydrostatic skeleton
21 American Zoologist 1981 573-596 Balon Eugene K. Saltatory processes and precocial forms in the ontogeny of fishes
24 American Zoologist 1984 953-964 Meunier François-Jean Spatial organisation and mineralization of the basal plate of elasmoid scales in osteichthyans
28 American Zoologist 1988 257-266 Gutman W.F. The hydraulic principle
29 American Zoologist 1989 11 Cloutier Richard Lungfishes, coelacanths and tetrapods - beyond a 3-taxa statement (abstract)
32 American Zoologist 1992 276-293 Wourms John P., Lombardi J. Relections on the evolution of piscine viviparity
54 Anais da Academia  Brasileira de Ciências 1982 519-539 DeCarvalho M.S.S. O genero Mawsonia na ictiofaunula do Cretaceo do Estado da Bahia
9 4 Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 1980 289-295 Northcutt R. Glenn Anatomical evidence of electroreception in the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnæ)
142 Anatomical Record 1962 262 Nieuwenhuys Rudolf The forebrain of some groups of fishes (abstract)
151 2 Anatomy and Embryology (Berlin) October, 7 1977 157-169 Nieuwenhuys Rudolf, Kremers Jan-Willem P.M., van Huyzen C. The brain of the crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnæ: a survey of its gross structure
32 Animal Behavior 1984 379-384 Helfmann G.S., Schults E.T. Social transmission and behavioural traditions in a coral reef fish
295 Animeaux Magazine Juin 2000 <ANON> Il se défend: le coelacanthe: "j'ai 400 millions d'années"
80 Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Ser. B 1976 251-271 Adamicka P., Ahnelt H. Beiträge zur funktionellen Analyse und zur Morphologie des Kopfes von Latimeria Chalumnæ Smith
67 Annales de Paléontologie Vertèbres Paris 0 1-17 Wenz S. Un coelacanthe géant, Mawsonia lavocati Tabaste, de l'Albien-base du Cénomanien du Sud Marocain
167 Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1969 5-17 Schaeffer Bobb Adaptive radiations of the fishes and the fish-amphibian transition
167 Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1969 31-64 Nieuwenhuys Rudolf A survey of the structure of the forebrain in higher bony fishes (Osteichthyes)
605 Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1990 15-28 Waehneldt Thomas V. Phylogeny of myelin proteins
444 Annals of the Coll. of Fish., University of Washington Seattle 1975 52 Brown George W. Jr., Brown Susan G., Solomon F.P. Research in fisheries
# Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute 1940 321-327 Smith James Leonard Brierley A living fossil (Latimeria chalumnæ)
# 4149 Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute 1953 351-361 White Errol Ivor Dr. Sci. The Coelacanth Fishes
460 Annual Report Coll. Fish. Univ. Wash. Contr. 1977 60 Solomon F.P., Utter F.M., Brown J.W. Jr. Enzymes of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ, 1976 Research in Fisheries (abstract)
18 Annual Report Iowa Geological Survey (1907) 1908 29-386 Eastman C.R. Devonian fishes in Iowa
12 Annual  Review of Ecology and Systematics 1981 195-223 Patterson C. Significance of fossils in determining evolutionary relationships
14 Annual  Review of Ecology and Systematics 1983 313-333 Felsenstein J. Parsimony in systematics: biological and statistical issues.
18 Sér. 11 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1956 381-389 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean L'organe rostral de Latimeria (Crossoptérygien, Coelacanthidé)
1 Sér. 12 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1959 61-69 Millot Jacques, Tuzet O. La spermatogenése de Latimeria chalumnæ Smith  (crossoptérygien coelacanthidé)
1 Sér. 12 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1959 317-328 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Les neuromastes du système latéral de Latimeria chalumnæ
14 Sér. 12 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1972 305-317 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean La glande post-anale de Latimeria chalumnæ
15 Sér. 12 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1973 293-328 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean L'appareil excréteur de Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (poisson, coelacanthidé)
19 Sér. 12 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1977 227-245 Lemire Michel Étude ultrastructurale du parenchyme sécréteur de la glande post-anale du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
1 Sér. 13 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1979 221-222 Anthony Jean Jacques Millot 1897-1979
8 Sér. 13 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie, Paris 1987 43-60 Robineau Daniel Sur la signification phylogénétique de quelques caractères anatomiques remarquables du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnæ Smith, 1939
99 Ann. Soc. Geol. 1980 453-464 Beltan L. Eotrias du nord-ouest de Madagascar: étude de quelques poissons dont un est un parturition
8 Annals and Magazine of Natural History London (ser. 9) 1921 320-337 Watson David Meredith Seares On the coelacanth fish
12 Annals and Magazine of Natural History London (ser. 9) 1956 54-57 Smith James Leonard Brierley An extraordinary fish from South Africa
15 Annals and Magazine of Natural History London (ser.10) 1935 37-46 Moy-Thomas J.A. A synopsis of the coelacanth fishes of the Yorkshire Coal Measures
19 Année Biologique Paris 1980 1-18 Meunier François-Jean, Geraudie J. Les structures plaque du derme et des écailles des vertèbres inferieurs
3 35 Année Biologique Paris 1959 81-113 François Y. La nagoire dorsale: anatomie comparée et évolution
5 Anomalies (Marseille) Mars 1999 Le retour du coelacanthe
13 50 Antiquity June 1939 245 <ANON> Coelacanth fish
Appleton-Century, New York 1966 278pp Soulé G. The ocean adventure. Science explores the depths of the sea
46 9 Aquarist & Pondkeeper 1981 26-27 Pritchard S. The coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
54 12 Aquarist & Pondkeeper 1990 15-16 Alderton D. CITES and the Aquarist
24 Aquarium Journal 1953 66-68 Myers G.S. The living-fossil coelacanth fishes
114 1 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics April 1966 184-194 Brown G.W. Jr. Studies in Comparative Biochemistry & Evolution. I., Avian Liver Arginase
154 1 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Januari 1973 96-105 Weber Roy E., Bol John F., Johansen K., Wood Stephen C. Physicochemical properties of the hemoglobin of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
163 2 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics August 1974 728-734 Bonaventura Joseph, Gillen Robert, Riggs Austen The hemoglobin of the Crossopterygian fish Latimeria Chalumnæ Smith - Subunit structure and oxygen equilibria
44 4 Archives of Biochemistry and Physiology[B] 1973 1231-1245 Mills G.L., Taylaur C.E. Distribution and composition of serum lipoproteins in the Coelacanth Latimeria
44 2 Archives of Biochemistry and Physiology[B] February, 15 1973 357-362 Goldstein Leon, Harley-De Witt Sus., Forster R. Activities of ornithine-urea cycle enzymes and trimethylamine oxidase in the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
13 10 Archives of Oral Biology October 1968 1289-1291 Miller William A., Hobdell M.H. Preliminary report on the histology of the dental and paradental tissues of Latimeria chalumnæ (Smith) with a note on tooth replacement
14 7 Archives of Oral Biology Juli 1969 855-858 Hobdell M.H., Miller William A. Radiographic anatomy of the teeth and tooth supporting tissues of Latimeria chalumnæ
23 12 Archives of Oral Biology December 1978 1105-1113 Schellis R.P., Poole D.F.G. The structure of the dental hard tissues of the coelacanth fish Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
24 2 Archives of Oral Biology February 1979 179-183 Smith Moya M. Scanning Electron Microscopy of odontodes in the scales of a coelacanth embryo Latimeria chalumnæ
Archimedes May 1992 42-46 Laing M. When fate taps you on the shoulder and smiles
34 3 Archimedes 1992 56-59 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Fishes in our seas
3 Archives du Musée Teyler (Haarlem, Netherlands) 1874 101-116 Winkler T.C. Mémoire sur le Coelacanthus harlemensis
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# Arthaud A. & J. ed., Paris 1976 197pp Anthony Jean Opération Coelacanthe: Vivre et revivre l'aventure [ISBN 2-7003-0117-X]
8 1 Asian Diver 1999 29-32 Erdmann Arnaz M., Erdmann Mark V. Coelacanth! 400 million years and counting
16 Atti dell'Instituto Geologico Univ. Pavia 1965 72-80 Sacchi Vialli G. Immagini di vita nei fossili (in Italian)
Auckland Star (New Zealand) 1939 Loch Ness Outdone
39 Australian Journal of Zoology 1991 509-518 Joss J.M.P., Cramp N., Baverstock P.R., Johnson A.M.  A phylogenetic comparison of 18S ribosomakl RNA sequences of lungfish with those of other chordates
15 5 Australian Natural History 1966 137-140 Talbot F.H. The coelacanth, living relict of 50 million years ago
12 3 BBC-Wildlife (Journal) March, 1 1994 33- Greenwell Richard J. Prehistoric Fishing
14 1 BBC-Wildlife (Journal) January, 1 1996 18- <ANON> Discoveries: 'New' Coelacanth Find
16 11 BBC-Wildlife (Journal) November, 1 1998 48- <ANON> Discoveries: Coelacanth Surprise
17 7 BBC-Wildlife (Journal) July, 1 1999 63- <ANON> News on the Earth
Belfast News Letters Ireland) September, 24 1998 3 <ANON> Living Fossil is caught [Indonesian coelacanth]
Be-Pal Books, Tokyo 1988 254pp Suyehiro Y Gombessa (in Japanese)
# 5 1 Berkeley Magazine Summer 1999 25 <ANON> Discoveries: Coelacanth
# 27 9 Berkeleyan October 7-13 1998 3, 6 Sanders Robert In Indonesia, Biologist Discovers Second Population of Primitive Coelacanths
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Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontologic Research, Johannesburg 1953 Dart R.A. (ed) Africa's Place in the Human Story
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218 Colloques Internationaux du C.N.R.S., Paris 1975 168-174 Meunier François-Jean, Francillon H., Ngo Tuan Phong D., De Ricqles A. Données préliminaire sur les structures histologiques du squelette de Latimeria chalumnæ. 2 Tissus osseux et cartilages
218 Colloques Internationaux du C.N.R.S., Paris 1975 175-190 Wenz S. Un nouveau coelacanthidé du Crétace  inférieur du Niger, remarques sur la fusion des os dermiques
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44 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Series B 1972 357-362 Goldstein Leon, Harley-De Witt S., Forster R.P. Activities of ornithine-urea cycle enzymes and of trimethylamine oxidase in the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnæ
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54 4 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Series B 1976 557-559 Griffith Robert W., Burdich Carolyn J. Sodium-potassicum activated adenosine triphosphatase in Coelacanth tissues: high activity in rectal gland
61 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Series A 1978 309-319 Rasmussen Lois E., Rasmussen R.A. Effect of transitory hyperuremia on lactate dehydrogenase levels in selected marine elasmobranchs and chimeras: an apparent urea requirement
83 2 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Series B 1986 295-299 Tamai Yoichi, Kojima Hisako, Abe Kumiko Chemical characterization of the brain of a Coelacanth
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# 190 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Janvier, 6 1930 79-82 Fosse R., Brunel A., Graeve P. de Nouvelle fermentation de l'acide urique, provoquée par le foie de divers animaux
# 239 2°sem19 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Novembre, 8 1954 1241-1243 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Tubes rostraux et tubes nasaux de Latimeria (Coelacanthidé)
# 241 2°sem Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Juillet, 4 1955 114-116 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Considérations physiomorphologiques sur la tête de Latimeria (Crossoptérygien Coelacanthidé)
# 241 2°sem8 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Août, 8 1955 576-577 Millot Jacques, Mlle. Carasso Nina Note préliminaire sur l'oeil de Latimeria Chalumnæ (Crossoptérygien Coelacanthidé)
# 242 1°sem4 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Janvier, 25 1956 560-561 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Note préliminaire sur le thymus et la glande thyroide de Latimeria chalumnæ (Crossoptérygien coelanthidé)
# 246 1°sem10 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Mars, 10 1958 1600-1602 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean De l'existance chez Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (Coelacanthidæ) d'un organe régulant du courant sanguin supra-branchial
# 251 2°sem3 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Juillet, 18 1960 442-443 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Appareil génital et reproduction des Coelacanthes
# 254 1°sem11 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Mars, 12 1960 2067-2068 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Premières précisions sur l'organisation chez Latimeria chalumnæ (Poisson crossoptérygien coelacanthidé)
# 258 1°sem20 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Mai, 20 1964 5051-5055 Millot Jacques, Nieuwenhuys Rudolf, Anthony Jean Le  diencéphale de Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (Poisson Coelacanthidé)
# 261 2°sem1 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Juillet, 5 1965 223-226 Anthony Jean, Millot Jacques, Robineau Daniel Le coeur et l'aorte ventrale de Latimeria chalumnæ (Poisson coelacanthidé)
# 265 4-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Juillet, 24 1967 343-346 Anthony Jean, Robineau Daniel Le cercle céphalique de Latimeria (Poisson Coelacanthidé)
# 266 4-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Janvier, 22 1968 375-378 Anthony Jean, Robineau Daniel Branchies et artères branchiales de Latimeria chalumnæ
# 271 22-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Novembre, 30 1970 1994-1995 Lemire Michel Étude cytoarchitectonique du rhombencéphale de Latimeria chalumnæ, Poisson Crossoptérygien, Coelacanthidé
# 272 3-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Janvier, 18 1971 425-428 Lemire Michel Étude myéloarchitectonique du rhombencéphale de Latimeria chalumnæ Smith, Poisson, Crossoptérygien, Coelacanthidé
# 273 7-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Août, 18 1971 689-692 Robineau Daniel, Anthony Jean Le problème de la veine cave postérieure chez Latimeria chalumnæ (poisson, crossoptérygien)
# 274 13-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Mars, 27 1972 1925-1927 Anthony Jean, Millot Jacques Premier capture d'une femelle de Coelacanthe en estat de maturité sexuelle
# 275 18-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Octobre, 30 1972 2085-2087 Devys Michel S., Thierry Annick, Barbier Michel, Janot Maurice-Marie Premières observations sur les lipides de l'ovocyte du Coelacanthe (Latimeria Chalumnæ)
# 276 17-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Avril, 25 1973 2447-2449 Anthony Jean, Millot Jacques Variations sexuelles de l'appareil excréteur du Coelacanthe, Latimeria chalumnæ. Connexions avec l'appareil génital mâle
# 276 8-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Février, 19 1973 1305-1308 Robineau Daniel, Anthony Jean Biomécanique du crâne de Latimeria chalumnæ (Poisson crossoptérygien coelacanthidé)
# 276 14-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Avril, 2 1973 2171-2173 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean La position ventrale du rein de Latimeria chalumnæ (Poisson coelacanthidé)
# 277 14-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Octobre, 8 1973 1341-1343 Robineau Daniel Signification fonctionelle de l'articulation intra-crânienne chez Latimeria chalumnæ (poisson, crossoptérygien, coelacanthidé)
# 280 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Février, 24 1975 959-962 Gaudant Mireille Sur la découverte de deux nouveaux Coelacanthes fossiles au Liban et la disparition apparante des Actinistiens au Crétacé
# 281 1-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Juillet, 7 1975 45-48 Robineau Daniel Le système de la veine jugulaire et ses homologies chez Latimeria chalumnæ (Pisces, Crossopterygii, Coelacanthidæ)
# 282 7-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Février, 16 1976 641-644 Lemire Michel Caractéristiques ultrastructurales des cellules acineuses de la glande post-anale du coelacanthe (Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
# 283 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Décembre, 20 1976 1739-1742 Anthony Jean, Robineau Daniel Sur quelques caractères juvéniles de Latimeria Chalumnæ (Pisces, Crossopterigii Coelacanthidæ)
# 287 5-D Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Septembre, 18 1978 487-489 Giraud Marie-Madeleine, Castanet Jacques, Meunier François-Jean, Bouligand Yves Organisation spatiale de l'isopédine des écailles du Coelacanthe (Latimeria chalumnæ, Smith)
294 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris 1982 1151-1153 Campos A.D., Wenz S. Première découverte de Coelacanths dans le Crétacé inférieur de la Chapada do Araripe (Brésil)
297 sér 3 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris 1983 393-396 Lange R.H. Les cristaux de lipovitelline-phosvitine dans l'ovocyte de Latimeria chalumnæ Smith, 1939 (Coelacanthidæ, Pisces). Étude comparative
# 320 8 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris 20-04 - Série IIa 1995 691-698 Bachelery P., Damir Ben Ali et. al. L'éruption phréatique du Karthala (Grande Comore) en juillet 1991
322 4, sér 3 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Avril 1999 257-260 Combes Claude Coelacanthes. Métapopulation ou clade?
322 4, sér 3 Comptes Rendus de l' Académie des Sciences, Paris Avril 1999 261-267 Pouyaud  Laurent, Wirjoatmodjo Soetikno, Rachmatika Ike, Tjakrawidjaja Agus, Hadiaty Renny, Hadie Wartono Une nouvelle espèce de coelacanthe. Preuves génétiques et morphologiques
149 Comptes Rendus de la Société Biologique 1955 655-658 Prailauné, Simone de Sur l'hémoglobine du coelacanthe
5 Compte Rendu 1985 326-330 Schultze Hans-Peter Reproduction and spawning sites of Rhabdoderma (Pisces, Osteichthyes, Actinistia) in Pennsylvanian deposits of Illinois, USA Neuvième Congr. Int. Stratigr. Géol. Carbonifère, Washington 1979
Comstock Publ. Associates, Ithaca 1991 Schultze Hans-Peter, Trueb L. (ed.) Origins of the higher groups of Tetrapods: Controversy and consensus
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64 Connaiss. Homme 1976 23-24 Anthony Jean Quelques secrets du coelacanthe
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# 12 4 Conservation Biology August 1998 759-765 Hissmann Karen, Fricke Hans W., Schauer Jürgen Population monitoring of the coelacanth (Latimeria Chalumnae)
277 1615 Contemporary Review August, 1 2000 114 Whittington-Egan Richard The world oldest living fossil: Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
Copeia 1940 144-145 Schaeffer Bobb (Review of) A living coelacanthid fish from South Africa, by J.L.B. Smith
Copeia 1945 22-25 Eaton T.H. Jr. The symplectic in coelacanths and Actinopteri
Copeia 1948 153-157 Springer S. Oviphagous embryos of the sand shark, Carchias taurus
1 Copeia 1953 72 Smith James Leonard Brierley The second coelacanth
Copeia 1959 181-184 Romer Alfred Sherwood (Review of) Anatomie de Latimeria chalumnæ. Tome I, squelette, muscles et formations de soutien, by J. Millot & J. Anthony
3 Copeia 1970 468-471 Nelson Gareth J. Subcephalic muscles and intracranial joints of sarcopterygian and other fishes
1 Copeia 1973 156-158 Alexander R. McN. Jaw mechanisms of the Coelacanth Latimeria
4 Copeia 1973 813-814 Thomson Keith Stewart New observations on the coelacanth fish Latimeria chalumnæ
Copeia 1979 560-562 Lauder G.V. Jr. (Review of) Anatomie de Latimeria chalumnæ. Tome III, by Jacques Millot Jean Anthony & Daniel Robineau
Copeia 1980 1-9 Lauder G.V. Jr. The role of the hyoid apparatus in the feeding mechanism of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
Copeia 1980 942-944 Lauder G.V. Jr. (Review of) The biology and physiology of the living coelacanth. Edited by J.E. McCosker & M.D. Lagios
2 Copeia 1982 467-471 Bemis William E., Hetherington T.E. The rostal [sic] organ of Latimeria chalumnæ: morphological evidence of an electroreceptive function
Copeia 1982 942-948 Lagios Michael D. Latimeria and the Chondrichthyes as sister taxa: a rebuttal to recent attempts at refutation
Copeia 1987 495-499 Maisey John G. Notes on the structure and phylogeny of vertebrate otoliths
Copeia 1988 257-259 Schultze Hans-Peter Notes on the structure and phylogeny of vertebrate otoliths
Copeia 1988 259-260 Masey John G. Response to Schultze
3 Copeia August, 1 1996 605-615 Hissmann Karen, Fricke Hans W. Movements of the epicaudal fin in Coelacanths
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida 1985 Lewis E.R., Levrenz E.L., Bialek W. The Vertebrate Inner Ear
9 2 Creation Ex Nihilo March-May 1987 8-11 Doolan Robert The fish that got away
9 3 Creation Ex Nihilo June-August 1987 4 <ANON> Focus: Extinction for coelacanth?
13 4 Creation Ex Nihilo Sept.-Nov. 1991 8 <ANON> Focus: New coelacanth search in Africa
15 3 Creation Ex Nihilo June-August 1993 40-44 <ANON> Coelacanth: not the missing link
21 2 Creation Ex Nihilo March-May 1999 8 <ANON> Living fossil turns up - again
Croom Helm, London 1987 469pp Løvtrup S. Darwinism: the refutation of a myth
# 3 1 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Juin 1996 3-10 Raynal Michel Une espèce inconnue de coelacanthe dans le Golfe du Mexique? (Première Partie, in French)
# 3 2 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Juillet 1996 3-9 Raynal Michel Une espèce inconnue de coelacanthe dans le Golfe du Mexique? (Deuxième Partie, in French)
# 3 7 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Décembre 1996 5-6 Sarre François de Le Coelacanthe, fleuron de la cryptozoologie? (in French)
# 3 7 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Décembre 1996 6-7 Sarre François de Le Coelacanthe, poisson "forteen"? (in French)
# 3 7 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Décembre 1996 7 Sarre François de La quête cryptozoologique du coelacanthe... (in French)
# 3 7 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Décembre 1996 8 Sarre François de Le coelacanthe, un fossile vivant? (in French)
28 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) Septembre 1998 3-8 Raynal Michel Découverte d'une population inconnue de coelacanthes
33-34 Cryptozoologia (Belgium) 1999 21-22 Raynal Michel Le coelacanthe Indonésien est bien une nouvelle espèce
# 8 Cryptozoologie 1989 1-11 Courtenay-Latimer Marjorie Reminiscences of the discovery of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
CTP, FAO, Moroni April, 8 1987 Weightman B.L. The crisis on Anjouan. Unpublished report to the CTP
84 9 Current Science January, 8 1999 14 <ANON> Prehistoric fish caught in Asia
17 Custos 1988 40-41 Tietz R.M. (Nancy) Coelacanth on the brink of extinction 50 years after discovery
1 2 Cybium 1977 129-137 Hureau J.-C., Ozouf-Costaz C. Détermination de l'âge et croissance du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnæ Smith, 1939 (poisson, crossoptérygien, coelacanthide)
5 1 Cybium 1981 3-17 Poplin C. Les homologies du pont prootique chez les osteichthyens
21 3 Cybium 1997 297-298 <ANON> La SFI et le coelacanthe
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# 41 41 Der Spiegel (Germany) 1987 277-278 <ANON> Träge Räuber
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Der Standard (Austria) December, 1 2000 APA/DPA Es haben sich wieder mal ein paar Quastenflosser blicken lassen
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5 Develop. Palæontol. Stratig. Elsevier 1977 123-158 Paul C.R.C. Evolution of primitive echinoderms in: "Patterns of evolution as illustrated by the fossil record"
# 79 2359 De Volkskrant (Netherlands) Augustus, 26 2000 5W Nijland Rik Bedrieglijke vis
Die Beeld (South Africa) November, 27 1990 11 <ANON> Kenner kom na lewende selakante soek
Die Beeld (South Africa) April, 27 1991 4 SAPA Genoeg geld om die selakant te soek
Die Beeld (South Africa) June, 11 1991 4 Brand Hannelise Selakant baie spesiaal
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Die Burger (South Africa) March, 4 1988 5 <ANON> Soektog na selakant begin weer
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Die Burger (South Africa) March, 28 1988 12 Hey Douglas Verwyt teen mensdom as die selakant van aarde verdwyn
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Die Burger (South Africa) March, 22 1990 5 <ANON> Navorsing oor selakant geborg
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Die Burger (South Africa) May, 9 1991 3 <ANON> Duikboot gebruik vir fossielvis-navorsing
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Die Burger (South Africa) December, 31 1992 3 SAPA Selakant-vlug ná 40 j. met 'viswa' gedenk
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Die Burger (South Africa) July, 9 1993 3 Viljoen Cecilia Dragtige selakant by Comore gevang
Die Burger (South Africa) July, 10 1993 8 Randall Ina Ellenbogen lag so lekker want sy kaartjies verkoop so lekker ["The Coelecanth Project" by Theatre for Africa held in Grahamstown
Die Burger (South Africa) March, 9 1995 19 Alethea Tannie Al gehoor van vis met pote?
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Die Burger (South Africa) May, 15 1997 5 <ANON> Kenner praat oor selakant se bewaring.
Die Burger (South Africa) Februar, 25 1998 3 SAPA Vrou wat selakant ontdek het, word 91
Die Burger (South Africa) December, 22 1998 2 ECN Selakant vandaag 60 jaar gelede ontdek
Die Burger (South Africa) Januar, 12 1999 2 ECN Sestig jaar gevier van selakant
Die Burger (South Africa) November, 20 1999 2 Pullen Gail Wonders van see hier bewaar (J.L.B. Smith Institute)
Die Burger (South Africa) June, 9 2000 3 Sauer Debbie Selekant-ontdekker in OL getrakteer
Die Burger (South Africa) September, 27 2000 13 Grütter Wilhelm Sage rondom fossielvis aangrypend oorvertel. (Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg)
Die Burger (South Africa) December, 2 2000 1 <ANON> Duikers vind ses selakante by Natal (Oos Kaap edisie)
Die Burger (South Africa) December, 2 2000 3 <ANON> Duikers ontdek lewende selakante aan Natalse Kust
Die Burger (South Africa) December, 2 2000 3 <ANON> Duiker sterf nadat hy lewende selakante vind
Die Burger (South Africa) December, 2 2000 3 <ANON> Oervisse duik op:--
Die Huisgenoot (South Africa) 1961 22-23 Rosenthal E. Wonders of South Africa - 5. A fish from 200 000 years ago (in Afrikaans)
# 27 14 Die Naturwissenschaften April, 7 1939 226-227 Gross Walter Ein rezenter Crossopterygier entdeckt!
# 75 3 Die Naturwissenschaften May 1988 149-151 Fricke Hans W., Plante Raphaël Habitat Requirements of the Living Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ at Grande Comoro, Indian Ocean
# 79 10 Die Naturwissenschaften Oktober 1992 476-479 Fricke Hans W., Frahm J. Evidence for Lecithotropic Viviparity in the Living Coelacanth
# 84 9 Die Naturwissenschaften September 1997 389-397 Zardoya Raphael, Axel Meyer Molecular Phylogenetic Information on the Identity of the Closest Living Relative(s) of Land Vertebrates
Die Volksblad (South Africa) Januar, 16 1999 10 ECN Sestigste herdenking van die ontdekking van die selakant onlangs gevier
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# Die Welt (Germany) September, 26 1995 Glaubrecht Matthias Heftiger Streit um den ersten Landgänger
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Die Welt (Germany) January, 8 2000 DW Quastenflosser in Indonesien von deutschem Wissenschaftler gefilmt
# 44 Die Weltwoche (Germany) November, 3 1998 33,35 Globig Michael Die suche nach dem veritabelen Urfisch
Dilia, Praha 1969 Smith James Leonard Brierley Cesta za stvornozcom (old fourlegs) (in Tsjech)
6 3 Discover, Los Angeles 1985 34-36 Diamond J.M. In quest of the wild and weird
6 3 Discover, Los Angeles 1985 38-42 Diamond J.M. In quest of the wild and weird
20 1 Discover, Los Angeles January 1999 49 Glausiusz Josie The year in science 1998: The Old Fish of the Sea
13 1 Discover (the World of Science) January 1992 73 Fischman Joshua The One That Got Away
29 Discovery 1976 19-32 McCosker Sandy, McCosker J.E. To the islands of the moon
Discovery (London) 1939 240-242 Smith James Leonard Brierley A 'Living fossil' from South Africa
9 3 Discovery (Los Angeles) 1988 56-57 Vogel S. Face to face with a living fossil
2 1 Discovery (New Haven) Fall 1966 1966 27-32 Thomson Keith Stewart The history of the coelacanth
5 2 Discovery (New Haven) Spring 1970 1970 88-96 Thomson Keith Stewart Research voyage in the Western Indian Ocean
9 1 Discovery (New Haven) Fall 1973 1973 27-33 Griffith Robert W. A live coelacanth in the Comoro Islands
14 Discovery (Norwich) April 1953 113-117 White Errol Ivor The coelacanth fish
15 8 Discovery (Norwich) 1954 332-335 White Errol Ivor More about the coelacanths
19 Discovery (Norwich) 1958 196-205 Trewavas Ethelwynn The coelacanth yields its secrets
Diver March 1997 Fotherby Caroline I was bitten by a coelacanth
163 Doklady Academii Nauk Republiki Kazakhste 1977 1-239 Vorobyeva E.I. Morphology and nature of evolution of crossopterygian fishes (in Russian)
218 Doklady Academii Nauk Republiki Kazakhste 1974 474-476 Mednikow B.M., Antonov A.S. Status of lungfishes (Dipnoi) and their systematic position (in Russian)
30 7 Dopovidi Academii Nauk Ukrainy 1968 653-656 Peheta V.P. Enchondral ossification in Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (in Russian, English summary) [cited as: Kasyanenko, V.G. RSR Ser. B 1968 in CCC newsletter n°3]
9 Drum and Croaker 1964 12 Herald Earl S. Statement of intent regarding the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
DuMont Buchverlag, Köln 1st. ed. 1985 280pp Därr Wolfgang, Wodtke Anne Richtig Reisen, Madagaskar - Komoren Reise-Handbuch
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# Dupuis Ed. (Charleroi Belgique) 1st ed. 1997 48pp Wasterlain Les fourmis géantes [ISBN 2-8001-2425-3] (Comic Strip : Jeannette Pointu n° 12)
60 Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 1982 415-428 Emerick C.M., Duncan R.A. Age progressive volcanism in the Comores Archipelago, western Indian Ocean and implications for Somali plate tectonics
37 2 Earth Science 1984 14-15 Hemenway D. Coelacanth a 'living fossil'
Earthwatch December 1989 6 <ANON> Hunt for fossil fish stirs controversy
1 3 East Tennessee Creation Science Association 1999 Nuttall Nick A new coelacanth species
59 Eastern Cape Naturalist 1976 4-6 Smith Margaret Mary Surprise - a baby!
Eastern Province Herald 1939 Aliving Fossil Caught in the Sea
Eastern Province Herald December, 22 1963 <ANON> Society to preserve coelacanth proposed
Eastern Province Herald December, 30 1970 Robinson T. Coelacanth nEð 70 awaits a buyer
Eastern Province Herald January, 12 1989 Bently K. Back to fossildom for wonder coelacanth
Eastern Province Herald November, 15 1989 <ANON> 'Electronic haggis' bait for coelacanth
3 4 Eclectica Magazine nov/dec 1999 Skea Ann Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
73 Ecloggae Geologicae Helvetiae, Basel 1980 921-939 Riepel O. A new coelacanth from the Middle Triassic of Monte San Giorgo, Switserland
92 3 Ecloggae Geologicae Helvetiae, Basel 1999 467-473 Burgin, T., Appert O. Schuppenreste von Quastenflossern (Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Actinistia) aus dem oberen Jura von Sudwest-Madagascar
# Editions Ouest-France, Rennes Juillet 1991 28pp Kordon Klaus, The Tjong Khing (ill.) Le gros poisson Tin Lin. [Juvenil Book with the coelacanth in the main role; ISBN 2-7373-0775-9] Translated from the German: "Der grosse Fisch Tin Lin", 1990, Ravensburger Buchverlag.  Exists in english: "The big fish" and dutch: "de reuzenvis Tin Lin"
Editions Université Bruxelles 1977 1.. pp Schneck A.G., Vandecasserie C. (ed.) [...]
Editions Université Bruxelles 1977 124-129 Chauvet J.-P., Acher R. Evolutionary relationship between myoglobin and hemoglobin in lower vertebrates
Eesti Riiklil Kirjastus, Tallin 1964 286pp Smith James Leonard Brierley Old Fourlegs
# 86 235 Eindhovens Dagblad (Wetenschap) October, 6 1998 1 Hover Martijn Coelacanth duikt op in Sulawesi
El Informador (Mexico) November, 12 1999 <ANON> El rincón de Doreste: El celacanto, reliquia del pasado
El Mercurio Santiago (Chile) March, 17 1987 Asimov Isaac Mi primo Coelacanto (in Spanish)
Elsevier 0 Musick Jack A., Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Balon Eugene K. The Biology of Latimeria Chalumnæ and Evolution of Coelacanths (Dfl. 350,-)
# Elsevier, Amsterdam-Brussel 1970 256pp Herald Earl S. The Conciese Book of Living Fishes - Ned. vert. "Vissen" in de serie: Elseviers "Wereld der dieren"
Elsevier, New York 1965 Enzyme Commission Enzyme nomenclature
52 Elseviers Weekblad (bijlage bij) December, 26 1953 15 Smith James Leonard Brierley Malania, a living fossil (in Dutch)
# 3 Encycl. Britannica (15th. Ed.) Micropædia 1995 429 <ANON> Coelacanth
# 19 Encycl. Britannica (15th. Ed.) Macropædia 1995 215-216 <ANON> Fishes - The Fleshy-finned Fishes (Sarcopterygii) - Coelacanth (Crossopterygii)
# II Encycl. Britannica (The New) Micropædia 1973 1038 Smith James Leonard Brierley Coelacanth
# 5 Encycl. Britannica (The New) Macropædia 1973 296-297 Anthony Jean D., Millot Jacques Crossopterygii
14 1 Endeavour, N.S. 1990 8-13 Forey Peter L. An extraordinary blue fish
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 219-222 Mangum C.P. Urea and chloride sensitivities of coelacanth hemoglobin
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 361-367 Hale Robert C., Greaves John, Gunderson Jennifer L., Mothershead II Robert F.  Occurrence of organochlorine contaminants in tissues of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 413-417 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Coelacanth Conservation Council, CCC newsletter nr 3
2 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1977 147-176 Balon Eugene K. Early ontogeny of Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927 (Mbuna, Cichlidæ, Lake Malawi), with a discussion on advanced protective styles in fish reproduction and development
5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1985 280pp Balon Eugene K. Early Life Histories of Fishes: new developmental, ecological and evolutionary perspectives.
6 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1981 377-389 Balon Eugene K. Additions and amendments to the classification of reproductive styles in fishes
7 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1982 193-197 Balon Eugene K. About the courtship rituals in fishes, but also about a false sense of security given by classification schemes, comprehensive reviews and committee decisions
16 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1986 11-24 Balon Eugene K. Types of feeding in the ontogeny of fishes and the life-history model
# 23 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes June 1988 281-282 Cloutier Richard, Schultze Hans-Peter, Wiley Edward O., Musick Jack A. et. al. Recent Radiologic imaging techniques for morphological studies of Latimeria chalumnæ
# 23 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes June 1988 241-280 Balon Eugene K., Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Fricke Hans W. A fiftieth anniversary reflection on the living coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnæ: some new interpretations of its natural history and conservation status
23 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1988 315-319 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Coelacanth Conservation Council, CCC newsletter nr 1
26 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1989 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Musick Jack A., Greenwood, P. (ed.) The evolution and biology of Coelacanths
26 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1989 Stobbs Robin E. The fishery of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros
28 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1990 33-75 Compagno Leonard J.V. Alternative life-history styles of cartilaginous fishes in time and space
30 3 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 281-285 Fricke Hans W., Schauer Jürgen, Hissmann Karen, Kasang Lutz, Plante Raphael Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ aggregates in caves: first observation on their resting habitat and social behaviour
30 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 423-428 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Coelacanth Conservation Council, CCC newsletter nr 2
# Developments in Environmental  Biology of Fishes Vol. 12 1991 446pp Musick Jack A., Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Balon Eugene K. (ed) The biology of Latimeria chalumnæ and evolution of coelacanths
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 9-13 Balon Eugene K. Prelude: the mystery of a persistent life form
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 15-19 Musick Jack A., Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Balon Eugene K. Introduction: the recent chronology and contribution
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 23-58 Cloutier Richard Patterns, trends and rates of evolution within the Actinistia
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 59-74 Cloutier Richard, Forey Peter L. Diversity of extinct and living actinistian fishes (Sarcopterygii)
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 75-97 Forey Peter L. Latimeria chalumnæ and its pedigree
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 99-117 Stock David W., Moberg Kirk D., Maxson Linda R., Whitt Gregory S. A phylogenetic analysis of the 185 ribosomal RNA sequence of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 119-130 Hillis David M., Dixon Michael T., Ammerman Loren K. The relationships of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ: evidence from sequences of vertebrate 285 ribosomal RNA genes.
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 131-143 Waehneldt Thomas V., Malotka Joachim, Jeserich Gunnar, Mathieu, J.-M. Central nervous system myelin proteins of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ: phylogenetic implications
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 147-158 Bemis William E., Northcutt R. Glenn Innervation of the basicranial muscle of Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 159-182 Schultze Hans-Peter, Cloutier Richard Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies of Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 183-192 Schultze Hans-Peter CT scan reconstruction of the palate region of Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 193-198 Setter Ann L., Brown George W. Jr. Enzymes of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ evidenced by starch gel electrophoresis
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 199-218 Griffith Robert W. Guppies, toadfish, lungfish, coelacanths and frogs, a scenario for the evolution of urea retention in fishes
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 219-222 Magnum Charlotte P. Urea and chloride sensitivities of coelacanth hemoglobin
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 225-248 Wourms John P., Atz James W., Stribling M. Dean Viviparity and the maternal-embryonic relationship in the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 249-265 Balon Eugene K. Probable evolution of the coelacanth's reproductive style: lecithotrophy and orally feeding embryos in cichlid fishes and in Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 267-273 Uyeno Teruya Observations on locomotion and feeding of released coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 275-279 Uyeno Teruya, Tsutsumi Toshio Stomach contents of Latimeria chalumnæ and further notes on its feeding habits
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 281-283 Thoney Dennis A., Hargis William J. Jr. Juvenile anisakine parasites from the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 287-300 Fricke Hans W., Hissmann Karen, Schauer Jürgen, Reinicke Olaf, Kasang Lutz, Plante Raphael Habitat and population size of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ at Grande Comoro
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 301-311 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Armstrong Michael J. The demography of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 313-339 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Stobbs Robin E. The ecology and conservation of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 341-359 Stobbs Robin E., Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The fishery of the Comoros, with comments on its possible impact on coelacanth survival
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 361-367 Hale Robert C., Greeves John, Gundersen Jennifer L., Mothershead II Robert F. Occurence of organochlorine contaminants in tissues of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 371-390 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Coutouvidis Sheila E. An inventory of all known specimens of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ, with comments on trends in the catches
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 391-401 Forey Peter L., Cloutier Richard Literature relating to fossil coelacanths
# 32 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1991 403-433 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Coutouvidis Sheila E., Pote Jean Bibliography of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ, with comments on publication trends
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 413 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. New Coelacanth Books
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 413-414 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Labelling Coelacanth Specimens
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 414 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth Bibliography
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 414 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth Search Off South Africa
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 414-415 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth Conservation
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 415 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth Dissections
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 415 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Addition to Coelacanth Inventory
# 33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1992 415-417 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Additions to the Bibliography of Latimeria Chalumnæ: I
33 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1992 419-425 Hamlin J.F. Can Coelacanths Be Caught on Demand - (With a Brief History of the Explorers Club Coelacanth Project)
34 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes August 1992 329-356 Fricke Hans W., Hissmann Karen Locomotion, fin coordination and body form of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
# 36 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1993 395-406 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Coelacanth Conservation Council, CCC newsletter nr 4
# 36 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1993 395-398 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Exciting New Coelacanth Discoveries
# 36 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1993 398-405 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Additions and Corrections to the Inventory of Latimeria Chalumnæ: II
# 36 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1993 405-406 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Additions to the Bibliography of Latimeria Chalumnæ: II
36 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1993 407-414 Gordon M.S. The International Program of Research on Latimeria in the 1960's
36 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1993 415- Livingstone D. Further coelacanth poetry
38 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1993 411-413 Anderson S.C. Larval Anisakis Sp (Ascaridoidea, Anisakidæ) from the Coelacanth, Latimeria Chalumnæ
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 399-410 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Coelacanth Conservation Council, CCC newsletter nr 5
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 399-400 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. News from the CCC-Secretariat
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 400-401 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Alterations and Additions to the Coelacanth Inventory: III.
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 402 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Pote Jean Additions to the Bibliography of Latimeria Chalumnæ: III
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 403 Pote Jean A Coelacanth memory
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 403-406 Stobbs Robin E. Famous Among the Famous - the S.A.A.F.'s "Flying Fishcart", The 1952 Coelacanth Flight
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 406-408 Greenwood P. Humphry Fetal Anatomy of the Coelacanth and the Theory of Oophagy
# 38 5 Environmental  Biology of Fishes December 1993 408-410 Tietz R.M. (Nancy) True-to-Life Taxidermy and the Coelacanth
40 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes August 1994 390 Clark E. Fish Imagery in Art-67 - Anitas Coelacanth in Shells
42 3 Environmental  Biology of Fishes March 1995 252 Bruton Michael (Mike) Fish imagery in Art-67 - linecut of coelacanths and humans by Hylton Mann
43 1 Environmental  Biology of Fishes 1995 104 Bruton Michael (Mike) Threatened fishes of the world: Latimeria chalumnae Smith, 1939 (Latimeriidae)
50 1 Environmental  Biology of Fishes Januari 1997 1-12 Berra Tim M. Some 20th. century fish discoveries
54 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1999 439-443 Erdmann Mark V. An account of the first living coelacanth known to scientists from Indonesian waters
54 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1999 445-451 Erdmann Mark V., Caldwell Roy,  Jewett Susan L., Tjakrawidjaja Agus The second recorded living coelacanth from North-Sulawesi
54 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1999 453-456 Springer Victor G. Are the Indonesian and Western Indian Ocean coelacanths conspefic: a prediction
54 4 Environmental  Biology of Fishes April 1999 457-470 <ANON> Coelacanth Conservation Council = Conseil pour la Conservation du Coelacanthe
58 1 Environmental  Biology of Fishes May 2000 45-52 Froese Rainer, Palomares Maria-Lourdes Growth, natural mortality, length-weight relationship, maximum length and length-at-first-maturity of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
# 13 7/8 EOS July/August 1996 94 Pitzer Bill, Earle Holland Haalt de Coelacanth het?
73 Época (Brasil) October, 11 1999 Gigliotti Marcelo Descoberte fóssil de celacanto no Ceará: fóssil achado no Ceará pode desvendar a reprodução de peixi pré-histórico
# Ernest Benn, London 1975 467pp Norman J.R. A history of fishes. 3rd edition, revised by P.H. Greenwood
108 2 European Journal of Biochemistry Juli 1980 599-612 Artavanis-Tsakonas S., Harris J.I. Primary structure of triosephate isomerase from Bacillus stearothermophilus
23 5 European Journal of Immunogenetics October 1996 371-381 van Erp S.H. et. al. Evidence for multiple distinct major histocompatiblity complex class I lineages in teleosean fish
Evening Post, Weekend Magazine January, 4 1964 1, 7 Parker E. East London nearly spurned an amazing event
6 1 Evolution 1952 101-111 Schaeffer Bobb Rates of evolution in the coelacanth and dipnoan fishes
39 Evolution 1985 783-791 Felsenstein J. Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap
4 Excellence 1988 44-45 <ANON> The perfume isles and old four legs
Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 1989 Fernholm B., Bremer K., Jornvall H. (ed) The Hierarchy of Life. Molecules and Morphology in Phylogenetic Analysis
Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 1989 355-367 Hillis David M., Dixon Michael T. Vertebrate phylogeny: evidence from 285 ribosomal DNA sequences in: "The Hierarchy of Life. Molecules and Morphology in Phylogenetic Analysis"
5 6 Exotic Zoology Nov. /Dec. 1998 1-3 Bille Matthew A. Rediscoveries: the coelacanth revisited
88 2 Experimental Cell Research October 1974 263-272 Cimino M.C., Bahr G.F. Nuclear DNA content and chromatin ultrastructure of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
16 5 Experimental Eye Research August, 24 1973 389-395 Cole D.F. Intraocular fluid composition in the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
# 28 10 Experientia October, 15 1972 1247 Hughes George M., Itazawa Y. The effect of temperature on the respiratory function of coelacanth blood
# 28 11 Experientia November, 13 1972 1301-1302 Hughes George M. Gills of a Living Coelacanth, Latimeria Chalumnæ
71 Expert 1986 6-10 Ogiso T. Island of the coelacanth (in Japanese)
66 Explorers Journal (The) 1988 126-129 Schraft J.W. Quest for the coelacanth
68 Explorers Journal (The) 1990 117-123 Greenwell J.R. The lady and the coelacanth: remembering the zoological discovery of the century
Expressions (Réunion) Novembre, 3 1993 5-10 Guébourg Jean-Louis Le coelacanthe, la fin d'un mythe?
16 Faro De Vigo (Spain) November, 4 1998 <ANON> Mar y Pesca: Revive un pez "extinguido"
81 Fauna Flora (Stockholm) 1986 215-222 Bjerring H.G. The electrosensitive organ of Latimeria Chalumnæ (in Swedish)
78 Fauna Flore (Stockholm) 1983 243-246 Hilldén N.-O. The coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ (in Swedish)
28 1 Féd. Europ. Biochem. Soc. Letters November, 15 1972 16-18 Chauvet Jean Pierre, Acher Roger Isolation of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
153 Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology 1971 Altland P.D. Respiration and Circulation
9 Field & Tide January 1967 8-11 Bell Shirley Coelacanths a century ago?
Film Comoros Centre Plongée Gombessa Géraud Jean Louis (filmed) ... Living Coelacanth ...
Film BBC-cameraman 1977 Scoones Peter Filmed a dying coelacanth
Film FWU-Institut für Film und Bild Film 3210145 1991 Fricke Hans W., Hissmann Karen Die Entdeckung des Quastenflossers [16mm Film - 16 min. Deutsch] (FWU - Gleiselgasteig 1 München Sektion Biologie)
Film FWU-Institut für Film und Bild Film 3210146 1992 Fricke Hans W. Die Biologie des Quastenflossers (FWU - Gleiselgasteig 1 München Sektion Biologie)
# Film Germany (ZDF Natur) Video 1988 Fricke Hans W. (filmed & produced by) Quastenflosser - Lebendes Fossil im Indischen Ozean
Film Video 1958 Arnold Jack (director) Monster on the campus (77 min.) Sci-Fi [A college biology instructor is given the carcass of a "living fossil' coelacanth fish to study…]
# Film South Africa Video Vincent Mike (filmed & produced by) The Story of the Coelacanth
Film: BBC Wildlife 1994 Greenwell R.J. Animal Enigmas - Prehistoric Fishing
Film: Encycl. Cinematogr. Göttingen Film E 151 1962 Wickler W. [...]
# Film: VPRO (the Netherlands) Video 1999 The Story of the Coelacanth in: Noorderlicht 07/03/1999
# Film: Third Wave Media Inc. (Greenwich, CT - US) Video 1999 Fish out of time - a quest for the coelacanth [Available from]
Film: ZDF-Natur 1993 Fricke Hans W. Quastenflosser - der Fisch der aus der Tiefe kam
Film: ZDF-Wunderbare Welt January, 9 2001 Fricke Hans W. Die Urfischjäger [Jago-team on the search for the Indonesian coelacanth]
Financial Mail (South Africa) October, 15 1999 Ryan Brendan Still alive and kicking. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
Financial Mail (South Africa) February, 18 2000 Furlonger David Old Fourlegs get a head: Coelacanth Brewery
Fireside/Simon & Schuster (New York) August 1999 66-68 Coleman Loren, Clark Jerome Coelacanths in: "Cryptozoology A to Z" Firestone Paperbacks 272pp. [ISBN 0-684-85602-6]
Fireside/Simon & Schuster (New York) August 1999 116-119 Coleman Loren, Clark Jerome Indonesian Coelacanths in: "Cryptozoology A to Z" Firestone Paperbacks 272pp. [ISBN 0-684-85602-6]
32 Fish Culturist 1952 1-3 Nichols H.A. Latimeria the 'living fossil'
32 Fish Culturist 1953 49-56 Nichols H.A. The second coelacanth
32 Fish Culturist 1954 49-51 Nichols H.A. The third coelacanth
34 Fish Culturist 1955 58 Nichols H.A. First female coelacanth caught
39 7 Fish Culturist 1960 51 <ANON> Extinct Deep Sea Fish Caught near Madagascar
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag VLG, Frankfurt June 2001 Weinberg Samantha A fish caught in time: the search for the coelacanth  - Paperback [ISBN 3-596-15089-2]
# Flying Springbok July 1983 45-49 Bell Shirley The coelacanth: a South African scientific adventure
# Flying Springbok June 1984 81-85 Bell Shirley South African Sea Serpents
# Flying Springbok December 1985 15-33 Merwe C. van der The Sea of Zanj
Flying Springbok July/August 1988 Merwe C. van der The ultimate survivor
10 1 Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica (Krakow) 1972 11-18 Grodzinski Z. The Yolk of Latimeria chalumnæ
4 Forschung-Mitteilungen der DFG 1988 20-22 Fritzsch B. Die Anfange des Hörens liegen im Wasser
3 Forskning & Framsteg 1989 409 Otterstal K. Re-evaluation of tasselfin (coelacanth)! (in Swedish)
2 Fortean Studies 1995 153-165 Raynal Michel and Mangiacopra Gary Out-of-place Coelacanths
117 Fortean Times December 1998 46 Coleman Loren Living fossils return
42 Fortschr. Ber. VDI(Z) (Reihe 12) 1982 192pp Voß Werner Enerigeumwandlung durch Flossenantriebe - Eine experimentelle Untersuchung von technischen Flossen
# Fourth Estate Ltd. (London) August 1999 240pp Weinberg Samantha A fish caught in time: the search for the coelacanth [ISBN 1-85702-906-2] - Paperback [ISBN 1-85702-907-0]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) January, 20 1993 <ANON> Urahn mit rätselhafter Jugend
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) May, 18 1994 <ANON> Auf Händen und Füßen durch die Zeit
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) June, 29 1994 <ANON> Auf den Spuren eines lebenden Fossils
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) March, 29 1995 <ANON> Lebendes Fossil in Bedrängnis
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) May, 25 1995 <ANON> An den Wurzeln der Vierbeiner
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) May, 18 1997 <ANON> Laufen auf vier Flossen
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) October, 14 1998 <ANON> Meereskönig mit größerem Reich
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) October, 12 1999 Harms Klaus Verdient das so ein Fisch, frage ich euch: Mit dem Quastenflosser rauten die Eingeborenen ihre Fahrradschläuche auf…
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) November, 24 1999 <ANON> Doch zwei Arten von Quastenflosser?
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) March, 26 2000 <ANON> Prähistorische Lebewesen (1): Orang-Pendek oder der "kleine Mensch" von Sumatra / Quastenflosser und Riesenkrake
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) April, 26 2000 <ANON> Lebende Zeugen der Vergangenheit
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) July, 26 2000 N1 Markl Hubert Lug und Trug
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) September, 16 2000 <ANON> Museumsstück: Was hat er, was andere nicht haben? Der Quastenflosser ebnete den Weg aus dem Wasser ans Land
246 Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) October, 23 1989 23 Frey M. Zeitgenosse der Vergangenheit
Freeman, San Francisco 1962 254 Humaston G.L. Animal Tissue Techniques
Freeman, San Francisco 1977 262-313 Dobzhansky T., Ayala F.J., Stebbins G.L., Valentine J.W. Evolution
Freeman, San Francisco 1979 Stanley S.M. Macroevolution: Pattern and Process
Freeman, W.H., London 1991 224pp Ward Peter Douglas (ed.) On Methuselah's trail. Living fossils and the great extinctions. ISBN 0-7167-2488-X [Paper Text] or ISBN 0-7167-2203-8 [Cloth Text]
Friends of Fishes Newsletter August 1991 2-3 Atz James W. Mama coelacanth at the A.M.N.H.: a happy concatenation of circumstances
17 Frontiers (Philadelphia) 1952 99-103 Bock Wilhelm Secrets of the coelacanths
Gaade W. (Den Haag) 1961 362-364 Herald Earl S. Actinistia in: "De wereld der dieren - vissen" (Ned. Vertaling van: Living Fishes of the World)
15 Gazelle 1987 1-7 Khalaf N.-A.B. The coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnæ, in the Science and Natural History Museum, State of Kuwait
11 3 General and  Comparative Endocrinology December 1968 535-538 Acher R., Chauvet J., Chauvet M.T.,Crepy D Molecular evolution of neurohypophysial hormones: comparison of active principles of the bony fishes
18 1 General and  Comparative Endocrinology February 1972 73-82 Lagios Michael D. Evidence for a hypothalamo-hypophysial portal vascular system in the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
22 3 General and  Comparative Endocrinology March 1974 296-307 Lagios Michael D. Granular epithelioid (juxtaglomerular) cell and renovascular morphology of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (Crossopterygii) compared with that of other fishes
25 2 General and  Comparative Endocrinology February 1975 126-146 Lagios Michael D. The pituitary gland of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
27 3 General and  Comparative Endocrinology November 1975 320-349 Epple A., Brinn J.E. Islet histophysiology evolutionary correlations
29 General and  Comparative Endocrinology 1976 264 Van Kemenade J.A.M. Anatomy and cytology of the pituitary gland of the coelacanth fish Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
30 2 General and  Comparative Endocrinology October 1976 142-155 Chavin W. The Thyroid of the sarcopterygian fishes (Dipnoi and Crossopterygii) and the origin of the tetrapod thyroid
32 2 General and  Comparative Endocrinology June 1977 221-229 Hayashida Tetsuo Immunochemical and biological studies with growth hormone in a pituitary extract of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ Smith
37 3 General and  Comparative Endocrinology March 1979 404-406 Lagios Michael D., Stasko-Concannon S. Presumptive interrenal tissue (adrenocortical homolog)  of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
40 General and  Comparative Endocrinology 1980 308-309 Van Ordt P.G.W.J. A typology of the gnathostome adenohypophysis with some emphasis on its gonadotropic function
41 3 General and  Comparative Endocrinology July 1980 287-295 Truscott B. Corticosteroids of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ Smith: a provisional study on their identity
107 3 General and  Comparative Endocrinology September 1997 421-427 Conlon J. Michael, Platz James E., Nielsen Per F., Vaudry Hubert, Vallarine Mauro Among the extant Sarcopterygii, the interrelationship between the Dipnoi (lungfishes), Actinistia (coelacanths), and Tetrpoda (tetrapods) is controversial.
146 3 Genetics July 1997 995-1010 Zardoya Raphael, Meyer Axel The complete DNA sequence of the mitochondral genome of a "living fossil", the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnæ)
# 10 GEO (Germany) October 1987 14-34 Fricke Hans W. and Schauer J. Im Reich der lebenden Fossilien
# 9 GEO (Germany) September 1990 58-70 Fricke Hans W. and Schauer J. Das Geheimnis der Höhlen von Grande Comore
6 GEO (Germany) Juni 1999 173 <ANON> Gebrüder Quastenflosser
# 12 GEO (Germany) December 2000 160-179 Torno Andrea Jagd auf eine Legende
  10 GEO SAISON (Gemany) 1995 128-139 Komoren - Blau, weiss, schwartz
1 GEO SAISON (Gemany) February 1995 48-49 Quastenflosser (Indischer Ozean)
# 24 GEO SAISON (Gemany) September 1999 102-109 Lieckfeld Claus-Peter Portrait: Der geborene Aquanaut (Hans Fricke)
# 116 GEO (France) Octobre 1988 56-75 Fricke Hans W. J'ai rencontré le fossile vivant
11 6 Géobios Lyon 1978 819-833 Janvier Philippe, Martin M. Les vertébrés dévoniens de l'Iran Central. 1. Dipneustes
12 4 Géobios Lyon 1979 497-511 Janvier Philippe, Martin M. Les vertébrés dévoniens de l'Iran Central. 2. Coelacanthiformes, Struniiformes, Osteolepiformes
17 2 Géobios Lyon 1984 237-244 Lund R., Lund W.L. New genera and species of coelacanths from the Bear Gulch Limestone (Lower Carboniferous) of Montana (U.S.A.)
72 Geological Magazine 1935 213-227 Moy-Thomas The coelacanth fishes from Madagascar
72 Geological Magazine 1935 446-457 Moy-Thomas J.A., Westoll T. Stuart On the Permian coelacanth, Coelacanthus granulatus Agassis
74 Geological Magazine 1937 286 White Errol Ivor, Moy-Thomas J.A. The coelacanth genus Graphirius Kner
3 7 Geological Magazine London 1891 159-161 Davis J.W. On Coelacanthus phillipsii Agassiz
Geological Society of London Symp. 1967 Harland W.B., Holland C. et. al. The Fossil record: A symposium with documentation
Geological Society of London Symp. 1967 637-683 Andrews S.M., Gardiner B.G., Miles R.S., Patterson C. Pisces in: "The Fossil record: A symposium with documentation"
50 Geologischen Reichsanstalt Wien 1900 187-192 Reis O.M. Coelacanthus lunzensis Teller (Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt)
22 6 Geology (Geol. Soc. Amer. inc.) June 1994 503-507 Schwimmer David L., Stewart J.D., Williams G. Dent Giant Fossil Coelacanths of the Late Cretaceous in Eastern United States
11 2 Geology Today March, 1 1995 54- <ANON> Coelacanth's missing link
3 12 George December, 1 1998 72- Courtenay-Latimer Marjorie Eyewitness: The One That Got Away
2 GEOS (Caracas) 1959 32-34 Bolivary y Pieltain C. Los coelacantos estudiados como animales actuales aportación valiosa a su conocimiento
26 German Research Service 1987 7-8 Langen R.B. Visiting ancestor's cousin in a submarine. Crossopterygians filmed for the first time, deep-sea expedition by night (in German)
Getaway Magazine October 1989 8-13,15 Snyman L., Miros V. Comores: the perfume isles
Getaway Magazine May 1990 97 Appeal for Coelacanth funds
Getaway Magazine February 1991 82 World famous scientist to search for the coelacanth
Getaway Magazine April 1992 17 Pregnant coelacanth netted off Maputo
Getaway Magazine May 1992 130 Nature reserve at Knysna Lagoon
Getaway Magazine July 1996 30 Grahamstown between festivals
Getaway Magazine December 2000 Coelacanths discovered off coast of Greater St Lucia Wetland Park
# 20 1 Gibbons Stamp Monthly June 1989 33 Thornton David A. Letter from South Africa. David Thornton tells a fishy story
Gower Technical Press Ltd., London 1984 144pp Newitt M. The Comoro Islands. Struggle against dependency in the Indian Ocean
32 8 Grapevine, American Museum of Natural History 1975 3 <ANON> Scientific Discovery Made in Ichthyology
34 4 Grapevine, American Museum of Natural History 1977 1-2 <ANON> Our ovovivipare had found a friend
Greensboro News & Record September, 29 1998 <ANON> Living fossil discovered in Indonesia. A coelacanth, a fish thought to be extinct but reclassified as living fossil in 1938, is caught off the Indonesian coast
Grocotts Mail September, 11 1987 7 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Tribute to Professor Margaret Smith
Grocotts Mail January, 10 1989 8 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Sensational discovery - 50 years ago
121 51/52 Groene Amsterdammer (de) (Netherlands) December, 17 1997 Niemöller Joost Het grote uitsterven: Het dier ontglipt ons (Indonesian coelacanth)
Grondboor & Hamer (Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging) 1953 266 <ANON> Coelacanthus
Grondboor & Hamer (Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging) 1987 51 <ANON> Coelacanth in zijn leefomgeving
Groth AG, Unterägeri (Switserland) 2000 6pp Kappeler Markus Quastenflosser (WWF-Stamp-Album-Pages: The Coelacanth (Comores)) [Exists in different languages German, Dutch, English, French ...]
1 Guelph Ichthyological Review 1990 1-42 Balon Eugene K. Epigenesis of an epigeneticist: the development of some alternative concepts on the early ontogeny and evolution of fishes
Günther Verlag, Stuttgart 1957 253pp Smith James Leonard Brierley Vergangenheit steigt aus dem Meer
# Gustaf Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1968 125pp Wahlert Gerd von Latimeria und die Geschichte der Wirbeltiere. Eine evolutionsbiologie Untersuchung. (Fortschritte der evolutionsforschung Band IV)
Gustaf Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1996 125pp Wahlert Gerd von Latimeria und die Geschichte der Wirbeltiere. Eine evolutionsbiologie Untersuchung. (Fortschritte der evolutionsforschung Band IV)
Gustaf Fischer, Jena 2nd edn. 1985 194-443 Müller A.H. Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie
Gustaf Fischer, Jena 10 Vols. 1912 Korschelt E. Prof. Dr. (Zoologie) Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften
# 3 Gustaf Fischer, Jena 1913 1055-1107 Rauther M. Fische (Pisces) in: "Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften"
# 3 Gustaf Fischer, Jena 1913 1107-1147 Pompeckj J.F. Fische (Paläontologie) in: "Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften"
# Haagse Courant (Netherlands) April, 3 1999 5 Ottens Jan Het onderzoek: Indonesische vis blijkt nieuwe soort
16 Handl. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskaps Akad. 3e series 1937 1-56 Stensiö E.A. On the devonian Coelacanthids of Germany with special reference to the dermal skeleton
4 2 Handl. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskaps Akad. 1952 1-201 Lehmann J.-P. Étude complementaire des poissons de l'eotrias de Madagascar
# Harper Collins, New York April, 3 2000 216pp Weinberg Samantha A fish caught in time; The search for the coelacanth [ISBN 0-06-019495-2] Uncorrected Bound Proof
91 3 Harvard Magazine 1989 36-42 Hall M. The survivor: fifty years in the modern life of an ancient fish
# Harvester Press, England 1979 165pp Brackenbury Rosalind The coelacanth [ISBN 0-85527-933-8]
# Henry Holt & Co, New York 1956 260pp Smith James Leonard Brierley The Search Beneath the Sea. The story of the coelacanth
# 109 234 Het Laatste Nieuws (Belgium) 5/6 oktober 1996 2* P.C. De vis die al 70 miljoen jaar dood was. (*) Artikel in bijlage "Weekend Magazine", extra editie pagina 2
Het Parool (Netherlands) December, 24 1994 31 Van Maanen Hans Binnenkort in uw tuin: een prehistorische kerstboom (Artikel waarin kort de coelacanth wordt genoemd)
Het Parool (Netherlands) September, 11 1997 13 <ANON> Niet Coelacanth maar longvis
Het Parool (Netherlands) September, 24 1998 45 Coelacanthen op de markt in Indonesië
Het Parool (Netherlands) Oktober, 10 1998 33 Raviez Steye Verbeten jacht op verdwenen dier
Het Parool (Netherlands) Maart, 6 1999 31 <ANON> Vandaag en morgen (artikel over coelacanth)
Het Parool (Netherlands) April, 3 1999 31 Koenen Mark Heibel om nieuwe naam voor oude Coelacanth
Het Parool (Netherlands) September, 2 1999 4 Koenen Mark Van oude vissen: de mensen die voorbijgaan
  3 Historical Biology 1989 97-126 Smith Moya M. Distribution and variation in enamel structure in the oral teeth of sarcopterygians: its significance for the evolution of a protoprismatic enamel
Hoffman and Campe, Hamburg 1972 Wickler W. Verhalten und Umwelt
# Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York 1st. Ed. 1963 126pp Clymer Eleanor Search for a living fossil. The story of the coelacanth
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1 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1982 8 Hecht Tom What's so special about the coelacanth?
4 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1983 12 Heemstra Phil C. More about the coelacanth
8 Ichthos (Newsletter) March 1985 17 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The silver Coelacanth
13 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1987 1 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Is the coelacanth endangered?
14 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1987 6 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. A second East London coelacanth
15 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1987 6 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Observations on the living coelacanth
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 1-20 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The coelacanth Jubilee
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 1-2 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. What is the significance of the coelacanth?
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 3 Smith William M. William Smith remembers
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 3-4 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth Conservation Council
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 5-6 Greenwood P. Humphry The 'sixpenny coelacanth', and some notes on Latimeria in a social context
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 8-9 Vincent Mike The filming of the story of the coelacanth
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 12-13 Tietz R.M. (Nancy) Saving the first coelacanth
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 13-14 Bruton Carolynn J. Famous living fossils
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 15 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Comores - home of the coelacanth
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 16-17 Goosen Hendrik P. Captain Goosen's story: the trip I caught the coelacanth
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 17 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. A captive coelacanth?
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 18 Pote Jean 'Old fourlegs' - the story of the coelacanth (the book that knew no barriers)
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 18-19 Stobbs Robin E. Coelacanth mythology
# 17 Ichthos (Newsletter) special edition 2 1988 19 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The coelacanth stamps
18 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1988 1-2 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The Coelacanth jubilee
23 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1989 25 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Is there a Madagascar coelacanth?
24 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1989 4 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth and CITES
26 Ichthos (Newsletter) July 1990 10-11 Stobbs Robin E. The Comoro Islands' traditional artisanal fishery - can it recover?
30 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1991 1-2 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The meaning of the Yago expedition
# 33 Ichthos (Newsletter) March 1992 1-3 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The mingled destinies of coelacanths and men (editoral)
# 33 Ichthos (Newsletter) March 1992 10 Rabie A. The Coelacanth Award and the Fish River Canoe Marathon
34 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1992 1-2 Heemstra Phil C. Conservation in the Comoros
35 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1992 1-8 Baxter M.P., Baxter M. The coelacanth
Ichthos (Newsletter) September 1992 8pp Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The coelacanth
38 Ichthos (Newsletter) 1993 4-6 Stobbs Robin E. The story of an incredible bird and an equally incredible fish: the Dakota and the coelacanth
42 Ichthos (Newsletter) June 1994 17-18 Smith R.B. Some thoughts on the late Prof. J.L.B. Smith as an angler
42 Ichthos (Newsletter) June 1994 20 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth in display at the (Knysna) Angling Museum
47 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1995 15-17 Stobbs Robin E. The "Island Ventures" coelacanth display
# 48 Ichthos (Newsletter) March 1996 3-4 Stobbs Robin E. Eric Ernest Hunt - The Aquarist
# 48 Ichthos (Newsletter) March 1996 6-7 Rivett Douglas JLB Smith, the Chemist, as I know him
49 Ichthos (Newsletter) June 1996 17-20 Stobbs Robin E. Hiariako - The broken thread
50 Ichthos (Newsletter) September 1996 3-6 Stobbs Robin E. The changing face of Latimeria - and more mythology?
# 54 Ichthos (Newsletter) September 1997 24pp Pote Jean, Ryan Audrey, Gon Ofer Commemorative edition JLB Smith
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 3 Fargher Lee-Ann 60th Anniversary Coelacanth Milestone
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 5 Peacock Glynn The Coelacanth: Philatelically Speaking
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 7-8 Jewett Susan L The Indonesian Coelacanth
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 14 Whitfield Alan Coelacanth in South African estuaries?
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 16-20 Heemstra Phil C. Reproduction of the Coelacanth (a synopsis and analysis of the oophagy controversy)
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 21 Gon Ofer Captain Planet and Old Fourlegs
# 59 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1998 24-26 Stobbs Robin E. Rajah Laut - Coelacanths in Indonesia
# 60 Ichthos (Newsletter) April 1999 14 Pullen Gail Dutch science TV crew visits Institute <to shoot the story of the discovery of the coelacanth>
# 62 Ichthos (Newsletter) December 1999 5-7 Hewson Glyn A remembrance: JLB and Margaret Smith
# 63 Ichthos (Newsletter) April 2000 12-13 Anderson Eric The early evolution of the lobe-fin fishes
# 63 Ichthos (Newsletter) April 2000 14 Pullen Gail JLB Smith honoured by IGFA
# 64 Ichthos (Newsletter) September 2000 2-3 Anderson Eric The further evolution of lobe-fin fishes
# 64 Ichthos (Newsletter) Oktober 2000 16 Anderson Eric Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg, History of coelacanth fishes by Peter L. Forey
34 Ichthyological Bulletin of the JLB Smith Institute 1977 105pp Fraser T.H. Comparative osteology of the shallow water cardinal fishes (Perciformes: Apogonidæ) with reference to the systematics and evolution of the family
43 Ichthyological Bulletin of the JLB Smith Institute 1980 17pp Heemstra Phil C., Smith Margareth Mary Hexatrygonidae: a new family of stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Batoidea) from South Africa
# 2 Ichthyological Papers JLB Smith Institute 1969 576pp Smith Margareth Mary Smith J.L.B. 1931-43 (Vol. 1 ends at page 300)
44 9 Iden (Genetics) 1990 30-34 Suzuki N., Hamada T. Analyzing the living fossil, the coelacanth (in Japanese)
Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois 1985 Swofford David L. Phylogenic Analyse Using Parsimony, User's Manual Version 2.4
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Illustrated London News February, 7 1953 208 Burton Maurice The lesson of the coelacanth
6 Il mio acquario (Italy - Miliano) March 1999 Lodola Maurizio I fossili viventi
5 Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (1997: Noumea) 1999 109-116 Meunier François-Jean, Zylberberg L. The structure of the outer components of the scales of Latimeria chalumnae (Sarcoptrygii: Actinistia: Coelacanthidae) revisted using scanning and transmission microscopy
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12 Intisari (Indonesia) December 1998 Surono Agus Raja Laut bernyali ciut
23 Investigation Report of the JLB Smith Institute for Ichthyology 1987 1-34 Heemstra Phil C., Smale M.J. Fisheries resources of the Islamic Republic of the Comores, with recommendations for the wise use and conservation of the marine fauna of these islands
26 Investigation Report of the JLB Smith Institute for Ichthyology 1987 1-21 Stobbs Robin E. The 'galawas' of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comores, with notes on artisanal fishing and recommendations for a maritime museum
28 Investigation Report of the JLB Smith Institute for Ichthyology 1988 Buxton Colin S., Bruton Michael (Mike) N. et. al. Recommendations on the proclamation of marine conservation legislation and the establishment of marine reserves in the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros.
34 Investigation Report of the JLB Smith Institute for Ichthyology 1989 1-103 Bruton Michael (Mike) N., Buxton Colin S., Stobbs Robin E., Hughes Georges R.  Recommendations on the proclamation of marine conservation in the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros. (Also available in French)
# 8 1 ISC Newsletter, Tucson, Arizona Spring 1989 16pp Greenwell J.R. Remembering the coelacanth: a 50th anniversary. Interviews with Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer and Hendrik Goosen
12 1 ISC Newsletter, Tucson, Arizona 1993-1996 8-9 <ANON> Second African coelacanth found
19 6 Island Magazine December 1999 Tapper Joan Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
11 5 Israël Journal of Medical Science May 1975 405-406 Melmed R.N., Holt S.J. Ultrastructural observations on exocrine and endocrine pancreatic cells of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
40 40 Israel Journal of Zoology 1994 551-568 Wourms John P. The Challenges of Piscine Viviparity
Israël Program for Scient. Translation, Jerusalem 1967 Orlov Y.A. Fundamentals of Paleontology. Vol. XI, Agnatha, Pisces
11 Israël Program for Scient. Translation, Jerusalem 1967 420-509 Vorobyeva E.I., Obruchev D.V. Subclass Sarcopterygii in: "Fundamentals of Paleontology. Vol. XI, Agnatha, Pisces"
  65 Italian Journal of Zoology Suppl. 1998 425-429 Hughes George M. The gills of Latimeria chalumnae Latimeriidae - What can they teach us?
3 Jekyll (Trieste, Italia) Giugno 1999 Latimeria non è più sola!
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Jornal do Commercio (Brasil) August, 20 2000 Falcão Verônica Celacanto I : Cientistas acham fóssil de peixe no Araripe
Jornal do Commercio (Brasil) August, 20 2000 Falcão Verônica Celacanto II: Celacantos habitam África e Ásia
Jornal Público (Brasil) January, 9 2000 Machado Ann Capturados dois novos exemplares de peixe pré-histórico na Indonésia: À procura de Terceiro Celacanto
# 77 3 Journal of the American Chemical Society February, 10 1955 819-820 Jones M.E., Spector L., Lipmann F. Carbamyl phosphate, the carbamyl donor in enzymatic citrulline synthesis
259 19 Journal of Biological Chemistry October, 10 1984 11958-68 Lu H.S., Yuan P.M., Gracy R.W. Primary structure of human triose phosphate isomerase
26 Journal  Border Historical Society 1988 19-24 Courtenay-Latimer Marjorie Odd amusing bits of the coelacanth discovery. A retrospective in 1988
59 1 Journal of Cell Biology October 1973 55a Cimino M.C., Bahr G.F. Nuclear DNA content and chromatin ultrastructure of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
156 3 Journal of Comparative Neurology August 1975 255-276 Nieuwenhuys Rudolf Topological analysis of the brain stem. A general introduction
174 4 Journal of Comparative Neurology August, 15 1977 553-574 Northcutt R. Glenn Retinofugal projections in the lepidosirenid lungfishes
187 3 Journal of Comparative Neurology October, 1 1979 613-638 Kremers Jan-Willem P.M., Nieuwenhuys Rudolf Topological analysis of the brain stem of the Crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnæ
183 5 Journal of Comparative Physiology [A] November 1998 635-650 Freitag J. et. al. Olfactory receptors in aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates
50 Journal of Dental Research 1971 1169-1170 Smith Moya M., Hobdell M.H., Miller William A. The structure of the scales of Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
52 Journal of Dental Research 1973 957 Smith Moya M., Hobdell M.H. Comparisons between the microstructure of scales of Latimeria chalumnæ and extant dipnoans and teleostean scales (abstract)
177 1 Journal of Experimental Zoology May 1971 65-78 Pedersen Roger A. DNA content, ribosomal gene multiplicity, and cell size in fish
187 1 Journal of Experimental Zoology January 1974 87-102 Griffith Robert W., Umminger Bruce L. et. al. Serum composition of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
192 2 Journal of Experimental Zoology May 1975 165-172 Griffith Robert W., Mathews M.B., Umminger Bruce L., Grant Blake F., Pang Peter K.T., Thomson Keith Stuart, Pickford Grace E. Composition of fluid from the notochordal canal of the Coelacanth, Latimeria Chalumnæ
196 3 Journal of Experimental Zoology June 1976 371-380 Griffith Robert W., Umminger Bruce L. et. al. Composition of bladder urine of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
205 Journal of Experimental Zoology 1978 315-320 Thomson Keith Stewart, Muraszko K. Estimation of cell-seiz and DNA content in fossil fishes and amphibians
212 Journal of Experimental Zoology 1980 205-214 Yancey P.H., Somero G.N. Methylamine osmo-regulatory solutes of elasmobranch fishes counteract urea inhibition of enzymes
39 Journal of Fish Biology 1991 225-236 Stock David W., Gibbons J.K., Whitt Gregory S. Strengths and limitations of molecular sequence comparisons for inferring the phylogeny of the major groups of fishes
55 5 Journal of Fish Biology November 1999 1119-1122 Jarial M.S., Ganion L.R., Verhoestra B.A. Ultrastructure of the collagen fibrils in the coelacacanth
32 Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 1975 821-864 Balon Eugene K. Reproductive guilds of fishes: a proposal and definition
36 Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 1979 707-708 McAllister Don E. (Review of) Anatomie de Latimeria chalumnæ. Tome II, by Jacques Millot Jean Anthony & Daniel Robineau
25 12 Journal of Lipid Research December, 1 1984 1330-1336 Kihira K., Akashi Y., Kuroki S. et. al. Bile salts of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
# 90 3 Journal of Magnetic Resonance December 1990 464-473 Frahm J., Gyngell M.L., Hänicke W. et. al. Improvements in Localized Proton NMR Spectroscopy of Human Brain. Water Suppression, Short Echo Times, and 1 ml Resolution
53 4 Journal of the Marine Biological Association U.K. 1973 763-784 Hamoir E., Piront A., Gerday Ch., Dande P.R. Muscle proteins of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
1 5 Journal of Molecular and Applied Genetics 1982 419-434 Alber T., Kawasaki G. Nucleotide sequence of the triose phosphate isomerase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiæ
31 5 Journal of Molecular Evolution November 1990 359-364 Meyer Axel, Wilson Allan C. Origin of tetrapods inferred from their mitochondrial DNA affiliation to lungfish
35 2 Journal of Molecular Evolution August 1992 93-101 Marshall Charles, Schultze Hans-Peter Relative importance of molecular neontological and palaeotological data in understanding the biology of the vertebrate invasion of land
35 2 Journal of Molecular Evolution August 1992 102-113 Meyer Axel, Dolven Sarah Molecules, Fossils and the Origin of Tetrapods
38 6 Journal of Molecular Evolution June 1994 602-609 Yokobori Al., Hasegawa Masami, Meyer Axel Relationship among coelacanths, lungfishes, and tetrapods: A phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondral cytochrome oxidase in gene sequences
45 4 Journal of Molecular Evolution October 1997 437-445 Stam W.T. et. al. Molecular evolution of hemoglobines of Antarctic fishes (Notothenoidei)
48 1 Journal of Molecular Evolution January 1999 118-123 Rasmussen A.S. et. al. Phylogenetic studies of complete mitochondrial DNA molecules place cartilaginous fishes within the tree of bony fishes
52 6 Journal of Neurochemistry June 1989 1941-1943 Waehneldt Thomas V., Malotka Joachim Presence of proteolipid protein in Coelacanth brain myelin demonstrates tetrapod affinities and questions a chondrichthyan association
54 4 Journal of Neurochemistry April 1990 1354-1359 Linington C., Waehneldt Thomas V. Conservation of the carboxyl terminal epitope of myelin proteolipid protein in the tetrapods and lobe-finned fish
10 3 Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry September 1968 102-114 Isokawa S., Toda Y., Kubora K. A histological observation of a coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
16 Journal of Geology Chicago 1908 357-362 Eastman Charles Rochester Notice of a new coelacanth fish from the Iowa Kinderhook
85 4 Journal of Heredity July-August 1994 322-325 Bogaert J.P., Balon Eugene K., Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The Chromosomes of the Living Coelacanth and Their Remakable Similarity to Those of One of the Most Ancient Frogs
91 3 Journal of Heredity May-June 2000 215-220 Yokoyama Shozo Colorvision of the Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) and adaptive evolution of rhodopsin (RH1) and rhodopsin-like (RH2) pigments
41 Journal of Paleontology 1967 660-674 Thomson Keith Stewart Notes on the relationships of the rhipidistian fishes and the ancestry of the tetrapods
48 1 Journal of Paleontology 1974 49-62 Jain S.L. Indocoelacanthus robustus n. gen., n. sp. (Coelacanthidæ, Lower Jurassic), the first fossil coelacanth from India
56 Journal of Paleontology 1982 620-630 Meinke D.K. A light and scanning electron microscope study on the dermal skeleton of Spermatodus pustulosus (Pisces: Coelacanthini) and the evolution of the dermal skeleton in coelacanths
17 Journal of Paleontology, Chicago 1943 271-275 Schainin V.E. New coelacanth fishes from the Triassic of New Jersey
15 Journal of the Fauna Preservation Society 1980 287-291 Randall John E. Conserving marine fishes
101 2-3 Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research November 1988 243-251 Mattei Xavier, Siau Yves, Seret Bernard Étude ultrastructurale du spermatozoide du coelacanthe: Latimeria chalumnæ
4 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 1984 1-16 Schultze Hans-Peter Juvenile specimens of Eusthenopteron foordi Whiteaves, 1881 (osteolepiform rhipidistian, pisces) from the Late Devonian of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada
4 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 1984 457-470 Meinke D.K. A review of cosmine: its structure, development, and relationship to other forms of the dermal skeleton in osteichthyans
9 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 1989 1-17 Long J.A. A new rhizodontiform fish from the early Carboniferous of Victoria, Australia, with remarks on the phylogenetic position of the group
10 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 1990 49-58 Schultze Hans-Peter A new acanthodian from the Pennsylvanian of Utah, USA, and the distribution of otoliths in gnathostomes
16 1 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology March, 19 1996 168-171 Clarck J.A. Otoliths in fossil coelacanths
20 2 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology June, 27 2000 243-252 Forey Peter, Ahlberg Per E., Zupins Ivars A new coelacanth from the Middle-Devonian of Latvia
167 Journal of Zoology London 1972 501-509 Smith Moya M., Hobdell M.H., Miller William A. The structure of the scales of Latimeria chalumnæ
185 Journal of Zoology London July 1978 355-369 Smith Moya M. Enamel in the oral teeth of Latimeria chalumnæ (Pisces, Actinistia): a scanning electron microscope study
227 Journal of Zoology London 1992 405-415 Kisia S.M., Hughes George M. Estimation of oxygen-diffusing capacity in the gills of different sizes of a tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus)
J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown 1987 12pp Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The life and work of Margaret Mary Smith
# J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown 1993 17pp Greenwood P. Humphry Latimeria chalumnæ - The Living Coelacanth
27 Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 1981 281-290 Mok H.K. The posterior cardinal veins and kidneys of fishes, with notes on their phylogenetic significance
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117 1 Journal of Morphology 1965 1-23 Nieuwenhuys Rudolf The forebrain of the crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
132 Journal of Morphology 1970 377-387 Grady J.E. Tooth development in Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
155 Journal of Morphology 1978 181-192 Northcutt R. Glenn, Neary T.J., Senn D.G. Observations on the brain of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ: external anatomy and quantitative analysis
189 Journal of Morphology 1986 249-259 Milano E.G., Accordi F. Evolution trends in adrenal gland of anurans and urodeles
1 Suppl. Journal of Morphology 1987 39-74 Schultze Hans-Peter Dipnoans as sarcopterygians
1 Suppl. Journal of Morphology 1987 277-297 Northcutt R. Glenn Lungfish neural characters and their bearing on sarcopterygian phylogeny
203 Journal of Morphology 1990 247-282 Arratia G., Schultze Hans-Peter The urohyal: development and homology within osteichthyans
220 Journal of Morphology 1994 381-383 Platt C. Hair cells in the lagenar otolith organ of the coelacanth are unlike those in amphibians
44 2 Journal of Parasitology 1958 191 Hargis William J. Jr. Coelacanths and monogeneids
2 1 Jurnal Pesisir dan Lauten (Indonesian Journal of Coastal and Marine Resources) January 1999 12-20 Mark Erdmann, Moosa Mohammed Kasim A new home for Old Fourlegs: the discovery of an Indonesian population of living coelacanths
10 Kansas Academie of Science, Abstracts April, 12 1991 28 Robb A.J. Paleoecologic implications of vertebrate fossilsfrom the Wathena shale member of the Lawrence formation (Virgilian: Upper Pennsylvania) in Douglas County, Kansas. 123rd Annual Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, Bethany College-Lindsborg
# Karthala Editions, Paris 1994 263pp Vérin Pierre Les Comores [ISBN 2-86537-294-4]
# 83 Ketzerbriefe (Germany) December 1998 38-41 <ANON> Latimeria chalumnae - das Überleben und schnelle Sterben eines lebenden Fossils
# 15 10 Kijk (Netherlands) Oktober 1990 22-25 Peeters Gerard Uitgestorven, teruggevonden en bedreigd
# 21 3 Kijk (Netherlands) Maart 1996 20-23 Thorbrügge W., Peeters Gerard Wereldkampion droogzwemmen (longvissen)
# 25 25 Knack (Belgium) June, 21-27 1995 89 <ANON> Levend fossiel sterft
# 28 2 Knack (Belgium) Januari, 7 1998 77 De Ron Ann Longvissen en kwastvinnigen: de coelacanth valt van zijn voetstuk
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Kompas (Indonesia) October, 10 1998 YUN LIPI - Lakukan Riset di Perairan KTI
Kompas (Indonesia) October, 10 1998 SUR Pemerintah Harus Segera Lindungi Ikan Fosil Hidup
Kompas (Indonesia) August, 9 1999 5 Surjadi Harry Iptek populer: Fosil Hidup dari Manado Tua
Kompas (Indonesia) October, 29 1999 YUN Diteliti, Rahasia Umur Panjang "Coelacanth"
51 Kosmos (Stuttgart-Germany) 1955 581-588 Schindler O. Neues von den lebenden "Urweltfischen"
Kosmos (Stuttgart-Germany) Februar 1998 Quastenflosser: Einem Urfisch auf der Spur
Kunglia Vetenskaps-och vitterhets-samhllet i Göteb. 1976 31pp Nybelin Orvar On the so called Postspiracular Bones in Crossopterygians, Brachiopterygians and Actinopterygians
Kurier (Austria) August, 6 1997 2 <ANON> Herr Dohr, die Quastenflosser und die Zeitenwende
Kurier (Austria) August, 17 2000 10 <ANON> Quastenflosser stoßen Toplitzsee aus Rennen
Kurier (Austria) August, 17 2000 13 <ANON> Fricke taucht nicht unter: Suche nach Bakteriën im Toplitzsee verschoben
# 95 337/338 La Dernière Heure (Belgium) Décembre, 2-3 2000 5 <ANON> Afrique du Sud: Un fossile vivant découvert par 100m de fond
# La Palatine, Paris 1974 91pp Bolloré Gwenn-Aël Evolution et pêche au coelacanthe
58 La Pêche en Mer 1990 84-87 Sylvestre J.-P. Le coelacanthe fossile vivant
46 La Pêche illustrée 1954 214 <ANON> Une pêche peu banale celle: du coelacanthe
# 1 7 La Recherche December 1970 686-687 Ricqles A. de Fil d'Ariane des tetrapodes
# 11 117 La Recherche December 1980 1396-1406 Janvier Philippe, Tassy Pascal, Thomas Herbert Le Cladisme
# 15 154 La Recherche April 1984 476-487 Forey Peter L. L'origine des tetrapodes
# 20 215 La Recherche November 1989 1318-1326 Forey Peter L. Le coelacanthe
# 29 314 La Recherche November 1998 16 <ANON> La science dan les journaux: Un coelacanthe Indonésien
17 La Revue de Madagascar 1953 18-20 Millot Jacques 'Notre' coelacanthe
Le Figaro (France) Août, 16 2000 <ANON> L'embarrassant coelacanthe truqué
Le Figaro (France) Décembre, 3 2000 AFP 6 coelacanthes repérés au large de l'Afrique du Sud
3 Le Hublot Janvier 1999 Doriath Sylvain Coelacanthe - Latimeria chalumnae
7 2 Le Jeune Scientifique 1968 30-31 McAllister Don E., Delisle C. Le coelacanthe, un fossile vivant
Le Journal de L'île (Ile de la Réunion) Octobre, 10 1998 Dupuis Alain Mers & Océans: Sur la piste du Coelacanthe
Le Monde (France) January, 1 1953 <ANON> (Article without title)
Le Monde (France) Sept./Oct. 1953 "Notre coeacanthe"
Le Monde (France) Janvier, 3 1996 <ANON> Fossile vivant: le coelacanthe franchira-t-il le seuil du XXIième siècle?
Le Monde (France) Octobre, 24 1998 Galus Christiane Le coelacanthe est un "fossile vivant" plus répondu qu'on croyait
Le Monde (France) Octobre, 24 1998 <ANON> Des fossiles extrêmement rares
Le Monde (France) Octobre, 24 1998 Gee Henry Rêves de paléontologues
Le Monde (France) Octobre, 24 1998 Gee Henry Le "terrain de chasse" s'étent à toute la planète
Le Monde (France) Novembre, 15 1998 Vincenth Catherine Le vieil homme et le coelacanthe
Le Monde (France) Mars, 27 1999 Galus Christiane La famille des coelacanthe s'agrandit
Le Monde (France) Janvier, 13 2000 Galus Christiane Deux coelacanthes ont été observés dans leurs milieu en Indonésie
Le Monde (France) Juillet, 22 2000 Galus Christiane Bataille franco-américaine de scientifiques autour d'un coelacanthe fantôme
Le Monde (France) Aout, 3 2000 <ANON> Zoologie: Après la fourniture d'une photo falsifiée de coelacanthe à duex de ses chercheurs, l'Institut de recherche pour le développement"porte plainte contre X..."
Le Monde (France) Novembre, 18 2000 Galus Christiane Faux coelacanthe: deux chercheurs de l'IRD entendus par un comité d'experts
3 4 Le Monde Aquatique, Québec Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1999 Gauthier Philippe Un coelacanthe capturé aux Îles-la-Madeleine
48 Le Monde de la Mer 1990 32-39 Mouton Patrick A la découverte des derniers coelacanthes. (with photographs by Hans Fricke and Raphaël Plante)
1219 Le Point (France) Janvier, 27 1996 36 Ponchelet Hervé Plan orsec pour le coelacanthe
1359 Le Point (France) Octobre, 3 1998 45 Ponchelet Hervé Le coelacanthe vit et survit
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1427 Le Point (France) Janvier, 21 2000 37 Bonvouloir Marine La saga des coelacanthes
1475 Le Point (France) Décembre, 22 2000 45 Mauris Elisabeth La surprise Sud-Africaine
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1520 London Telegraph Magazine July, 24 1999 <ANON> That's no fossil, that's a fish
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36 418 Look Japan January, 1 1991 33- <ANON> International Sci-Tech Communication: Coelacanths
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21 Marine Biological Association Newsletter 1999 4 Hughes George M. Coelacanths and Conservation
# 120 2 Marine Biology 1994 171-180 Fricke Hans W., Hissmann Karen Home range and migrations of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ
123 3 Marine Biology 1997 359-362 Schauer Jürgen., Hissmann Karen, Fricke Hans W. A method for deployment of externally attached sonic fish tegs from a manned submersible and their effects on coelacanths
# 136 2 Marine Biology 2000 379-386 Fricke Hans W., Hissmann Karen Feeding ecology and evolutionary survival of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
# 136 5 Marine Biology 2000 943-952 Hissmann Karen, Fricke Hans W., Schauer Jürgen Patterns of time and space utilisation in coelacanths (Latimeria chalumnae), determined by ultrasonic telemetry
161 Marine Ecology Progress Series December, 31 1997 1-15 Fricke Hans W. Living Coelacanths: values, eco-ethics and human responsibility
# 166 Marine Ecology Progress Series May, 28 1998 231-236 Plante Raphaël, Fricke HansW., Hissmann Karin Coelacanth population, conservation and fishery activity at Grande Comore, West Indian Ocean
7 Marung 1988 42..49   Baker V. Of coral seas and coelacanths
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187 Meddelelser om Grønland 1972 1-295 Jarvik Erick Middle and Upper Devonian Porolepiformes from East Greenland with a special reference to Glyptolepis groenlandica n. sp. and a discussion of the structure of the head in the Porolepiformes
346 Medica International Congres Series 1974 405-407 Hay A.W.M. Comparative aspects of vitamin D transport
42 99 Meguro Parasitological Museum News 1968 8pp <ANON> Aspidogaster Conchicola (Coelacanth Digenean Parasite) (in Japanese)
9 Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar Série A 1954 91-94 Monod T. Sur une larve de gnathiide (Praniza milloti nov. sp.), parasite du Latimeria chalumnæ (coelacanthe)
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11 Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar Série A 1956 167-188 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Considérations préliminaires sur le squelette axial et le système nerveux central de Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (14 planches)
Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris 1980 96-105 Anthony Jean, Robineau Daniel, Nathan F (éd) Le Coelacanthe et son témoignage
# 54 Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris Série C 1988 98pp + ill. Véran Monette Les éléments accessoires de l'arc hyoïdien des poissons téléostomes (Acanthodiens et Osteichthyens) fossiles et actuels
139 Mémoires de la Societé Géologique de France 1980 187-190 Wenz S. À propos du genre Mawsonia, Coelacanthe geant du Crétace Inférieur d'Afrique et de Brazil
116 Minéraux Fossiles 1985 14-17 Lamaud P. Le coelacanthe, un fossile vivant
Mladé Leta, Bratislava 1967 225pp Smith James Leonard Brierley Old fourlegs (in Slovak)
17 2 Mol. Biol (Moskow) March-April 1983 383-391 Kedrova O.S., Vladychenskaya N.S., Antonov A.   Molecular hybridization of alligator gar DNA with some other fish DNA (in Russian)
1 3 Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol. Juni 1992 187-194 Bernardi G. et. al. Nucleotide sequence of the 18S ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene from two teleosts and two sharks and their molecular phylogeny
1 6 Molecular Biology and Evolution November 1984 473-488 Maeda N., Zhu D., Fitch W.M. Amino acid sequences of lower vertebrate parvalbumins and their evolution: parvalbumins of boa, turtle, and salamander
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7 6 Molecular Biology and Evolution November 1990 607-633 Hedges S.B. et. al. Tetrapod phylogeny inferred from 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA sequences and a review of the evidence for amniote relationships
8 6 Molecular Biology and Evolution November 1991 819-834 Normark B.B., McCune A.R., Harrison R.G. Phylogenetic relationships of neopterygian fishes, inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences
15 5 Molecular Biology and Evolution May 1998 506-517 Zardoya Raphael, Cao Ying, Hasegawa Masami, Meyer Axel Searching for the closest living relative(s) of tetrapods through evolutionary analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear data
15 12 Molecular Biology and Evolution December 1998 1637-1646 Cao Ying et. al. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the shark Mustelus manazo: evaluating rooting contradictions to living bony vertebrates
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40 7 Mondo Sommerso (Italy) July 1999 74-77 Erdmann Mark V., Boyer Massimo Celacanti a Bunaken
70 Monit. Zool. Ital. 1963 313-319 Vialli M. Presence of heterochromatine cells in Latimeria chalumnæ (Vol. 71-72)
24 Monographiæ Biol., Dr. Junk Publ. 1974 249-676 Balon Eugene K., Coche, A.G. (ed.) Lake Kariba: A Man-Made Tropical Ecosystem
Monographies Dunod, Paris 1959 188pp Lehman Jean-Pierre Actinistia dans: L'évolution des vertébrés inférieures
Montreal Daily Star February, 2 1953 Musel R. The coelacanth expert finds little spectacular in much publicised rare fish
Montreal Gazette July, 8 1989 Chui G. 'Living Fossil' fish, once thought extinct, now really in danger
Mosby, St. Louis 1991 Frahm J., Gyngell M.L., Hänicke W. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mozambique News Agency January, 7 1998 <ANON> Coelacanth to be exhibit at Expo '98
2 MPG Spiegel 1988 1-4 Globig M. Neue Fahnung nach dem Uhrfish
Munksgaard (Copenhagen) 1972 Johansen K., Lenfant C. Oxygen Affinity of Haemoglobin and Red Cell Acid-Base Status
# Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino 1980 15pp Elter Orsetta Il Celacanto (Maggio-Giugno 1980) (The coelacanth. Guide to temporary exhibition) (in Italian)
34 1 Museum (UNESCO) 1982 60-61 Meurgues G. Errors of treatment. Synthetic resine can de dangerous.
Museum of Natural History, Kansas Univ., Lawrence 1989 Chang M.M. Origins of the Higher Categories of Tetrapods (eds. Trueb, L., Schultze Hans-Peter, Martin, L.)
# N.V. Het Parool 1964 192pp Ommaney F.D. De Vissen (vert. Dr. C. van Rijsinge) - The Fishes by Time Inc. 1964
# 22 2 Naga April-June 1999 22-25 Reyes R.B. Jr. The coelacant in FishBase
57 Nat. Fisherman (Yearbook Issue) 1979 81-84 Gorden B.L. The catch of the century
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Natal Daily News (South Africa) November, 21 1964 <ANON> Plan to capture rare fish
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# 173 6 National Geographic June 1988 824-838 Fricke Hans W. Coelacanths: The Fish that Time Forgot
# 175 1 National Geographic January 1989 none <ANON> A "Living Fossil" in a High-Tech Age
# 177 4 National Geographic April 1990 none <ANON> Taking coelacanths out of the market place
# 183 3 National Geographic March 1996 none <ANON> Living Fossil in Peril (Also published in the Japanese Edition March 1996 page 173)
# 185 12 National Geographic December 1998 none <ANON> Coelacanths: A Second Site (Also published in the Latin American Edition)
# 1 National Museums of Canada Collection Odyssée 1971 25pp McAllister Don E. Le vieux quadrupède 'Fossile vivant'
# 1 National Museums of Canada Odyssey Series 1971 25pp McAllister Don E. Old fourlegs: a 'living fossil'
244 National Science Museum News 1989 6-9 Uyeno Teruya Dissecting a coelacanth (in Japanese)
13 Natl. Geogr. Soc. Res. Rep. 1981 615-622 Thomson Keith Stewart The capture and study of two coelacanths off the Comoro Islands, 1972
23 Náttúrufrædingurinn 1953 93-95 Zorarinsson S. Utdaudir fiskari fullu fjöri
92 Natur und Museum Frankfurt 1962 7-12 Wahlert Gerd von,  Wahlert Heidi von Funktion und biologische Bedeutung der Quastenflosser
103 Natur und Museum Frankfurt 1973 337-343 Malz H. Schlusse und Trugschlusse bei der ökologischen Betrachtung von Fossilien
108 3 Natur und Museum Frankfurt 1978 133-136 Bonik K Die Entwicklung der Tetrapoden als Problemlage
110 Natur und Museum Frankfurt 1980 101-108 Schultze Hans-Peter Eierlegende und lebend gebärende Quastenflosser
Natura (Italia) 1960 118-119 Torchio M. (Review of) 'A la poursuite du coelacanthe' by J.L.B. Smith (in Italian)
53 Natura (Italia) 1962 1-4 Arbocco G. Latimeria in a museum: presentation of a model (in Italian)
53 Natura (Italia) 1962 3-4 Roberto A. The Latimeria at the museum: presentation of a model (in Italian)
43 Natural History 1939 280-283 Colbert E.H. A fossil comes to life
48 Natural History 1941 156-165 Gregory W.K. Grandfather fish and his descendants
68 8 Natural History October 1959 484-486 Schaeffer Bobb A study of Latimeria chalumnæ (or pages 426-429???)
82 2 Natural History 1973 58-65 Thomson Keith Stewart Secrets of the coelacanth
109 4 Natural History May, 1 2000 88 <ANON> Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
103 Naturaliste Canadien (Montreal) 1976 491-492 McAllister Don E. (Revue de) Opération Coelacanthe, by J. Anthony
105 Naturaliste Canadien (Montreal) 1978 63-76 McAllister Don E., Smith C. Lavett Mensurations morphologiques, dénombrement méristiques et taxonomic du coelacanthe, Latimeria chalumnæ
32 Naturaliste Malgache 1954 49-52 Millot Jacques The second coelacanth
# Naturaliste Malgache, Suppl. 1. 1954 25pp+50pl Millot Jacques Le troisième Coelacanthe, historique, éléments d'écologie morphologie externe, documents divers
# 143 3620 Nature March, 18 1939 455-456 Smith James Leonard Brierley A Living Fish of Mesozoic Type
# 143 3620 Nature March, 18 1939 464 <ANON> Discovery of a Living Crossopterygian Fish
# 143 3627 Nature May, 6 1939 748-750 Smith James Leonard Brierley The Living Coelacanthid Fish from South Africa
# 146 3689 Nature July, 13 1940 53-54 Woodward Arthur Smith The surviving crossopterygian fish, Latimeria
# 146 3705 Nature November, 2 1940 590 Woodward Arthur Smith The existing Coelacanth Fish, Latimeria
# 171 4342 Nature January, 17 1953 99-101 Smith James Leonard Brierley The second Coelacanth
# 171 4348 Nature February, 28 1953 389 Smith James Leonard Brierley Investigation of the coelacanth. Letter to the editors
# 174 4427 Nature September, 4 1954 426-427 Millot Jacques New Facts About Coelacanths
# 175 4452 Nature February, 26 1955 362-363 Millot Jacques First observation on a Living Coelacanth
# 176 4472 Nature July, 16 1955 126 Romer Alfred Sherwood Herpetichthyes, Amphibiodei, Choanichthyes or Sarcopterygii?
# 176 4472 Nature July, 16 1955 126-127 Trewavas Ethelwynn, White E.I., Marshall N.B., Tucker Denis W.  Comment on Romer Nature 176 (4472) July 16, 1955 pp 126-127
# 176 4479 Nature September, 3 1955 473 Smith James Leonard Brierly Live Coelacanths
# 183 4661 Nature February, 28 1959 566 Trewavas Ethelwynn Anatomy of a Coelacanth (Boekbespreking)
# 186 4728 Nature June, 11 1960 895-896 Rossi-Fanelli A., Antonini E. Oxygen Equilibration of Haemoglobin from Thunnus Thynnus
# 189 4766 Nature March, 4 1961 704-708 Ingram Vernon M. Gene Evolution and Haemoglobines
# 212 5058 Nature October, 8 1966 194 Grant N.H., Alburn H.E. Acceleration of Enzyme Reactions in Ice
# 217 5129 Nature February, 17 1968 690-691 Greenwood P. Humphry Professor J.L.B. Smith
# 221 5181 Nature February, 15 1969 618-622 Benesch Reinhold, Miss Benesch Ruth E. Intercellular Organic Phosphates as Regulators of Oxygen Release by Haemoglobin
# 221 5183 Nature March, 1 1969 803-804 <ANON> Lobe Finned Fishes
# 221 5187 Nature March, 29 1969 1244 Miller William A. Tooth Enamel of Latimeria Chalumnæ (Smith)
# 227 5254 Nature July, 11 1970 186-187 Acher R., Chauvet J., Chauvet M.T. A tetrapod neurohyphophysial hormone in African lungfishes
# 237 5351 Nature May, 19 1972 131 <ANON> Living Coelacanth caught off the Comoros
# 237 5351 Nature May, 19 1972 175 Locket N.A., Griffith Robert W. Observations on a Living Coelacanth
# 239 5370 Nature September, 29 1972 283-285 Wood Stephen C., Johansen K., Weber R.E. Haemoglobin of the Coelacanth
# 239 5371 Nature October, 6 1972 340-341 Chavin Walter Thyroid of the Coelacanth, Latimeria Chalumnæ Smith
# 239 5371 Nature October, 6 1972 341-342 Dartnall H.J.A. Visual Pigment of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
# 241 5385 Nature January, 12 1973 126 Thomson Keith Stewart, Gall J.G., Coggins L.W. Nuclear DNA Contents of Coelacanth Erythrocytes
# 242 5400 Nature April, 27 1973 617-618 Griffith Robert W., Thomson Keith Stewart Latimeria Chalumnæ: Reproduction and Conservation
# 244 5414 Nature August, 3 1973 308-309 Locket N.A. Possible Discontinuous Retinal Rod Outer Segment Formation in Latimeria Chalumnæ
# 253 5493 Nature February, 20 1975 603-608 Goodman Morris, Moore G. William, Matsuda Genji  Darwinian evolution in the genealogy of haemoglobin
# 259 5539 Nature January, 15 1976 81-82 <ANON> So the Coelacanth Does Bear Live Young
# 276 5685 Nature November, 16 1978 261-262 Dingerkus Guido, Mok Hin Kiu, Lagios Michael D. The living Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ does not have a cloaca
# 315 6014 Nature May, 2 1985 18 Diamond Jared M. The Biology of Coelacanths
# 327 6118 Nature May, 14 1987 153-154 Fritzsch B. Inner Ear of the Coelacanth Fish Latimeria has tetrapod affinities
# 329 6137 Nature September, 24 1987 331-333 Fricke Hans W., Reinicke Olaf, Hofer Heribert, Nachtigall Werner Locomotion of the Coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ in its natural environment
# 331 6152 Nature January, 14 1988 184-186 Lake J.A. Origin of the eukaryotic nucleus determinated by rate-invariant analysis of rRNA sequences
# 336 6201 Nature December, 22/29 1988 727-732 Forey Peter L. Golden jubilee for the coelacanth Latimeria Chalumnæ
# 346 6282 Nature July, 26 1990 323-324 Fricke Hans, Hissmann Karen Natural habitat of Coelacanths
# 348 6298 Nature November, 15 1990 194 Gee Henry Fossil fishes and fashion
# 351 6325 Nature May, 30 1991 347-348 Forey Peter L. Blood lines of the Coelacanth
# 351 6325 Nature May, 30 1991 394-397 Gorr Thomas, Kleinschmidt Traute, Fricke Hans Close tetrapod relationship of the coelacanth Latimeria indicated by hemoglobin sequences
# 353 6339 Nature September, 5 1991 29 Taylor Michael A. The Fish That Time Forgot (Boekbespreking: Living Fossil: The Story of The Coelacanth by Keith Stewart Thomson)
# 353 6341 Nature September, 19 1991 217-218 Stock David W., Swofford David L. Coelacanth's relationships
# 353 6341 Nature September, 19 1991 218 Sharpe Paul M., Lloyd Andrew T. Coelacanth's relationships
# 353 6341 Nature September, 19 1991 219 Meyer Axel, Wilson Allan C. Coelacanth's relationships
# 354 6351 Nature November, 28 1991 298-301 Ahlberg Per E. Tetrapod or near tetrapod fossils from the Upper Devonian of Scotland
# 357 6374 Nature May, 14 1992 105 Fricke Hans W. Coelacanth tissue bank
# 358 6386 Nature August, 6 1992 459 Ahlberg Per E. Coelacanth fins and evolution
# 362 6421 Nature April, 15 1993 626-628 O'Dor R.K., Forsythe J., Webber D.M., Wells J. & M.J.  Activity levels of Nautilus in the wild
# 363 6428 Nature June, 3 1993 405 Schleewen U., Fricke Hans W., Schartl M., Epplen J.T., Pääbo Svante Which home for Coelacanth?
# 363 6429 Nature June, 10 1993 501-502 Hedges S. Blair, Hase Carla A., Maxson Linda R.   Relations of fish and tetrapods
# 368 6471 Nature April, 7 1994 507-514 Ahlberg Per E., Milner Andrew R. The origin and early diversification of tetrapods
# 373 6514 Nature 1995 468 Sacks Oliver Coelacanth Dated
# 374 6520 Nature March, 23 1995 314 Fricke Hans W., Schauer Jürgen, Plante Raphaël, Hissmann Karin Yet more danger for coelacanths
# 395 6700 Nature September, 24 1998 319-320 Forey Peter L. A home from home for coelacanths
# 395 6700 Nature September, 24 1998 335 Erdmann Mark V., Caldwell Roy, Moosa Kasim Indonesian 'king of the sea' discovered
# 395 6703 Nature October, 15 1998 634 Gordon Arnold L. Coelacanth populations may go with the flow
# 395 6704 Nature October, 22 1998 748-749 Janvier Philippe Palaeontology: Forerunners of four legs
# 401 6756 Nature October, 28 1999 854-856 Janvier Philippe Coelacanth a la Marseillaise: review of "A fish caught in time" - Samantha Weinberg
# 403 6765 Nature January, 6 2000 38 Fricke Hans W., Hissmann Karen, Schauer Jürgen, Erdmann Mark V., Moosa Mohammed Kasim, Plante Raphaël Biogeography of the Indonesian coelacanths
# 406 6792 Nature July, 13 2000 114 McCabe Heather, Wright Janet Tangled tale of a lost, stolen and disputed coelacanth
# 406 6793 Nature July, 20 2000 225 McCabe Heather Recriminations and confusion over 'fake' coelacanth photo
# 406 6794 Nature July, 27 2000 343 Erdmann Mark V., Caldwell Roy L. How new technology put a coelacanth among the heirs of Piltdown Man
# 406 6796 Nature August, 10 2000 554 <ANON> News in brief: French Agency seeks inquiry into 'forged' coelacanth photo
# 408 6813 Nature December, 7 2000 632 <ANON> News in Brief: Coelacanth stars in South African film
26 7 Nature Australia Summer 1999 8 <ANON> Nature Strips: Indonesian coelacanth
3046 Nature La, Paris Avril 1939 213 Smith James Leonard Brierley Un poisson mésozoique vivant
# 80 3184 Nature La, Paris Août 1950 242-245 Piveteau Jean Images de mondes disparus
# 81 3215 Nature La, Paris Mars 1953 95-96 Merle René Le coelacanthe d'Anjouan
# 82 3228 Nature La, Paris Avril 1954 121-123 Millot Jacques Les nouveaux coelacanthes
# 83 3238 Nature La, Paris February 1955 58-59 Millot Jacques Unité spécifique des coelacanthes actuels
# 83 3241 Nature La, Paris Mai 1955 202-203 Millot Jacques A propos des coelacanthes. Réponse du professeur J. Millot
# 83 3241 Nature La, Paris Mai 1955 203 Millot Jacques La première femelle adulte du coelacanthe
236 64 Nature New Biology March, 22 1972 90-91 Schultze Hans-Peter Early Growth Stages in Coelacanth Fishes
# 13 Naturhistorisches Museum Wien Flugblatt juni 1960 1-2 Kähsbauer Paul Ein lebendiger Fossiel Fisch
23 2 Naturschutz Heute 1991 22-23 Wahlert Gerd von Todgeglaubte leben länger: vor einem halben Jahrhundert wurde der Quastenflosser wiederentdeckt
31 4 Naturschutz Heute November, 5 1999 62 May Helge Ur-fish Quastenflosser - book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
5 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 1953 192-193 Lehmann U. Der zweite rezente Crossopterygier (Quastenflosser)
25 8 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 1972 312-313 Brentjes Burchard Eine Vor-Entdeckung des Quastenflossers in Indien?
29 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 1976 275-276 Lehmann U. Neues über Latimeria
41 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 1988 275 Glaubrecht Matthias Das Ohr des Quastenflossers
53 2 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 2000 90 Mallok Joachim Indonesischer Quastenflosser eine neue Art?
# 36 10 Natuur en Techniek Oktober 1968 329-347 Romer Alfred Sherwood De evolutie van de gewervelde dieren (in dutch)
# 67 7 Natuur en Techniek Juli 1999 21 <ANON> De coelacanth; een levend fossiel (in dutch)
399 Nautica Magazine (Italia) 1999 Il celacanto a rischio d'estinzione
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Stuttgart 1956 148-153 Dehm R. Ein Coelacanthide aus dem Mittleren Keuper Frankens
125 Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Stuttgart 1966 216-226 Schweizer R. Ein Coelacanthide aus dem Oberen Muchelkalk Göttingens (Abhandlungen)
9 Neurochemistry International 1986 463-474 Waehneldt Thomas V., Matthieu Jean-Marie, Jeserich Gunnar Appearance of myelin proteins during vertebrate evolution
24 7 Neurochemical Research July 1999 867-873 Tohyama Yoko, Kasama-Yoshida Hiromi, Kurihara Tadashi Gene Structure and Amino Acid Sequence of Latimeria chalumnae (coelacanth) Myelin DM20: Phylogenetic Relation of the Fish
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16 New Biology (London) 1954 86-92 Watson David Meredith Seares Coelacanths
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Port City Press 1967 157 Mansuaty A.J., Hardy J.D. Jr. Development of Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay Region
149 Postilla 1970 1-12 Thomson Keith Stewart Intracranial movement in the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ Smith (Osteichthyes, Crossopterygii)
253 Pour la Science Novembre 1998 22 Cavin Lionel Un "Roi des mers" égaré?
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60 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S. 1968 456-463 Gowgill Ursula M., Hutschinson G.E., Skinner H. Catherine W. The elementary composition of Latimeria Chalumnæ Smith
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91 23 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S. November, 8 1994 11065-69 Betz Ulrich A.K., Mayer W.E., Klein J. Major Histocompatibility Complex Class-I Genes of the Coelacanth Latimeria-Chalumnæ
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35 Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great-Britain 1954 1-5 Davies E.R., Watson David Meredith Seares Coelacanths
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38 Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great-Britain 1961 600-618 Westoll T. Stuart A crucial stage in vertebrate evolution: fish to land animal
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186 1084 Proceedings of the Royal Society London [B] Juli, 9 1974 289-290 Locket N.A. Choroidal tapetum lucidum of Latimeria Chalumnæ
186 Proceedings of the Royal Society London [B] 1974 291-296 Forster G.R. The ecology of Latimeria chalumnæ Smith: results of field studies from Grande Comoro
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14 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnical Society Leeds 1902 474-482 Wellburn E.D. On the genus Coelacanthus as found in the Yorkshire Coal Mines, with a restoration of the fish
1 Proceedings of the Zoological Society London 1927 453-457 Watson David Meredith Seares The reproduction of the Coelacanth fish, Undina
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4 Quarterly Los Angeles County Museum 1965 14-15 Caldwell D.K., Caldwell M.C. The fossil who stayed alive
44 Quarterly Review of Biology 1969 416-417 Romer Alfred Sherwood (Review of) Latimeria und die Geschichte de Wirbeltiere: Eine evolutions biologische Untersuchung, by Gerd von Wahlert
46 Quarterly Review of Biology 1971 139-166 Thomson Keith Stewart The adaption and evolution of early fishes
67 Quarterly Review of Biology 1992 71-72 Meyer Axel "Living Fossil: The Story of the Coelacanth" by K.S. Thomson
68 Quarterly Review of Biology 1993 444-445 Meyer Axel "The Biology of Latimeria Chalumnae and Evolution of Coelacanths" by J.A. Musick, M.N. Bruton, & E,K, Balon eds.
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159 Rapp. P.-v Réun. Cons. perm. int. Expl. Mer 1970 149-151 Lozano Cabo F. Ichthyological problems of the continental plateau of Northwest Africa
76 Raster 1996 101-109 Kempen Yves van Een coelacanth
Reader's Digest December 1955 147-151 Dugan J. The fish named L.(atimeria) C.(halumnæ) Smith
# Readers Union 2nd. ed. 1957 260pp Smith James Leonard Brierley Old Fourlegs, the story of the coelacanth
# Rebo Productions, Lisse 1992 108pp Calcutt Len Fishes (Color Library Books Ltd., Godalming, Surrey, U.K.) Nederlandse vert. "Vissen" door Frans Kales
57 Records of the Western Australian Museum Suppl. 1999 37-53 <ANON> A new genus of fossil coelacanth (Osteichthyes: Coelacanthiformes) from the Middle Devonian of southeastern Australia
91 Rendiconti del Inst. Lombardo [...] 1957 680-686 Vialli Maffoo La quantitá di acido dessossiribonucleia per nucleo negli entroati'di Latimeria (Rendiconti dell'Instituto Lombardo, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali [Milano])
# 2 Reptiles Dominants Avril 1994 12 Van de Walle Vanessa Un fossil vivant: le coelacanthe
Republika [Indonesian Journal] October, 20 1998 <ANON> Fosil Hidup Ditemukan di Parairan Manado (in Indonesian)
5 Res. Bull. Meguro parasitol. Mus. 1971 1-5 Kamegai S. On some parasites of a coelacanth Latimeria chalumnæ: a new monogenea Dactylodiscus latimeria new genus, new species (Dactylodiscudæ new family) and two larval helminths
11 Revue Francaise Aquariol. Herpetol. 1984 33-38 Anthony Jean Le témoignage du coelacanthe Latimeria
40 Rev. Trav. l'Inst. des Pêches Marit. 1976 484-485 Balon Eugene K. Advanced protective strategies in fish reproduction
40 Rev. Trav. l'Inst. des Pêches Marit. 1976 730-732 Robineau Daniel Les organes regulateurs de la pression artérielle céphalique chez Latimeria chalumnæ (Crossopterygii, Coelacanthidæ)
121 Revue med. vet. 1970 1033-1044 Rossi P. La découverte des coelacanths
Rheinische Post (Germany) December, 1 2000 <ANON> Seltener Urwelt-Fisch vor Südafrika gesichtet
Rhodesia Herald June, 11 1954 Millot Jacques Ancestor of man. Scientific study of the coelacanth
7 Rhodesian Aquarist 1976 2-7 Smith Margaret Mary The coelacanth rises from the past
80 Rivista di Biologica/Biol. Forum 1987 477-497 Kikkawa J. Specialisation in the biological world
81 Rivista di Biologica/Biol. Forum 1988 339-378 Balon Eugene K. Tao of Life: universality of dichotomy in Biology, 2. The epigenetic mechanisms.
Ronald Press, New York 1964 Brown George W. Jr. Taxonomic Biochemistry, Physiology, and Serology
20 2 Rotunda (Royal Ontario Museum) 1987 50-54 Burridge-Smith M. The coelacanth a real fish tale
10 Royal Scottish Museum leaflet 1975 33pp <ANON> The coelacanth a living fossil
# 2 Royal Scottish Museum leaflet 1981 4pp Shipp Horace The coelacanth a living fossil
2 4 RT Image (Malvern - Pennsylvania) 1989 4-5 Sevcik J. How the CAT got the fish. Two imaging firsts in marine biology (also pp. 7, 10-11 and 16)
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Saint Paul Pioneer Press June, 25 1989 Living fossil' fish now faces threat of belated extinction  [Article ID: 8906230294]
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3 Sagittarius 1988 8-13 Dingle R. The sea-floor around southern Africa
51 50 Saishu to Siiku Collecting & Breeding 1989 61-63 Tanaka S. Extant frilled sharks (in Japanese)
2 Samantix March 1989 1 Tietz Nancy East London honours Marge
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12 184 San Francisco Chronicle September, 24 1998 A2 Perlman David Ancient Fish Presents New Mystery Coelacanths found 6,000 miles from only known home
13 210 San Francisco Chronicle November, 1 1999 A2 Perlman David Ancient Fish Raise Mountain of Questions Species give clues to geologic history
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2 Scanning Electron Microscopy 1979 483-489 Smith Moya M. SEM of the enamel layer in oral teeth of fossil and extant crossopterygian and dipnoan fishes
Scanning Electron Microscopy 1984 409-422 Imaki H., Chavin W. Ultrastructures of mucous cells in the sarcopterygian integument
Skeptical Inquirer Spring 1992 Ridell Paul T. What about the coelacanth?
35 Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Science Univ. Tokyo 1985 37-79 Suzuki Naoki, Suyehiro Y., Hamada Takashi Initial report of expeditions for coelacanth - Part 1 - Field studies in 1981 and 1983
39 1 Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Science Univ. Tokyo June 1989 73-96 Suzuki Naoki, Hamada Takashi Examination of the modern coelacanth with an x-ray photography and an x-ray computed tomography
40 1 Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Science Univ. Tokyo June 1990 49-60 Suzuki Naoki, Hamada Takashi Three dimensional analysis of coelacanth body structure by computer graphics and x-ray CT images
40 2 Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Science Univ. Tokyo December 1990 79- Suzuki Naoki, Hamada Takashi Structure of Pectral and Anal Fins of coelacanth revealed by Noninvasive Imaging Techniques
74 Sci. Prog. Oxf. 1990 53-67 Forey Peter L. The coelacanth fish: progress and prospects
1 Scientific publications of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History New Series 1962 1-13 Schaeffer Bobb A coelacanth fish from the Upper Devonian of Ohio
24 Sci. Rep. Yokosuka City Museum 1978 45-50 Fukuda Y., Kawamoto N., Obata I., Kanie Y Notes of observation by scanning electron microscope on a scale of Latimeria chalumnæ (in Japanese)
# 128 3321 Science August, 22 1958 419-420 Manwell Clyde Ontogeny of Hemoglobin in the Skate Raja binoculata
# 129 3356 Science April, 24 1959 1124-1125 Schaeffer Bobb (Review of) Anatomie de Latimeria Chalumnæ. Vol. 1. by J. Millot & J. Anthony
# 132 3418 Science July, 1 1960 36-37 Doolittle Russel F., Thomas Cynthia, Stone William Jr. Osmotic Pressure and Aqueous Humour Formation in Dogfish
# 137 3534 Science September, 21 1962 984-986 Urist Marshall R. Calcium and Other Ions in Blood and Skeleton of Nicaraguan Fresh-Water Shark
# 149 3691 Science September, 24 1965 1515 Brown George W. Jr. Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase in Liver of the Dipnoan Protopterus æthiopicus
# 150 3697 Science November, 5 1965 771-773 Fox Denis L., Crozier George F. Absence or Singular Specificity of Carotenoids in Some Lower Fishes
# 152 3730 Science June, 24 1966 1753-1755 Nevenzel Judd C., Rodegker Waldtraut, Mead James F. Lipids of the Living Coelacanth, Latimeria Chalumnæ (also M.S. Gordon)
# 152 3720 Science April, 15 1966 358-359 Janssens Peter A. and Cohen Philip P. Ornithine-Urea Cycle Enzymes in the African Lungfish, Protopterus æthiopicus
# 153 3739 Science August, 26 1966 999-1000 Thomson Keith Stewart Intracranial Mobility in the Coelacanth
# 153 3744 Science September, 30 1966 1650-1652 Forster R.P., Goldstein Leon Urea Synthesis in the Lungfish: Relative Importance of Purine and Ornithine Cycle Pathways
# 153 3744 Science September, 30 1966 1653-1654 Brown George W. Jr., James J. et. al. Uricolytic Enzymes in Liver of the Dipnoan Protopterus æthiopicus
# 155 3762 Science February, 3 1967 568-570 Pickford Grace E., Grant F. Blake Serum Osmolarity in the Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnæ: Urea Retention and Ion Regulation
# 155 3762 Science February, 3 1967 570-573 Brown George W. Jr., Brown Susan G. Urea and its Formation in Coelacanth Liver
# 158 3799 Science October, 20 1967 375-377 Thorson Thomas B., Cowan C. Michael, Watson Donald E. Potamotrygon spp.: Elasmobranchs with Low Urea Content
# 190 4219 Science December, 12 1975 1105-1106 Smith C. Lavett, Rand Charles S., Schaeffer Bobb, Atz James W. Latimeria, the living Coelacanth is ovoviviparous
# 231 4744 Science March, 21 1986 1393-1398 Britten Roy I. Rates of DNA Sequence Evolution Differ Between Taxonomic Groups
# 243 4887 Science January, 6 1989 72-75 Mommsen Thomas P., Walsch Patrick J. Evolution of Urea Synthesis in Vertebrates: The Piscine Connection
# 252 5014 Science June, 28 1991 1863-1864 McCosker John E. A Fish Thats Gets Away (Book review of: Living Fossil: The Story of the Coelacanth by Keith Stewart Thomson, Norton, New York, 252pp., illus., $19.95)
# 261 5121 Science July, 30 1993 553 Anderson Christopher (ed.) Fishing for Missing Links with a Chain
# 277 5331 Science September, 5 1997 1436 Roush Wade Living Fossil Fish is Dethroned
# 278 5337 Science October, 17 1997 369 Nichols Rodney W. Something fishy
# 278 5337 Science October, 17 1997 369 Churcher Charles S., Bemis William E., Simons Andrew M. Coelacanth Catches
# 284 5411 Science April, 2 1999 22-23 Holden Constance Dispute Over a Legendary Fish
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289 Sciences et Avenir 1971 230-235 Stevens Jacques Le coelacanthe: un fossile vivant
515 Sciences et Avenir Janvier 1990 60-64 Lavallard J.L. Des fossiles bien vivants
579 Sciences et Avenir Mai 1995 46-48 Mouton Patrick Coelacanthe la fin du long voyage?
621 Sciences et Avenir Octobre 1998 <ANON> Des coelacanthes en Indonesie
637 Sciences et Avenir Février 2000 <ANON> Actualités: Ichthyologie; deux coelacanthes pris sur le vif.
2 Science et Nature (Paris) 1954 13-15 Millot Jacques Le coelacanthe, poisson fossile vivant
37 Science et Nature (Paris) 1960 1-3 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Un nouvel aspect du coelacanthe: le montage complet de son squelette
121 Science et Nature (Paris) 1974 3-4 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Les oeufs du Coelacanthe (+ cover color photograph)
# 843 Science et Vie December 1987 68-70 Dupont G. Pour la première fois on a vu nager un coelacanthe
# 911 Science et Vie Août 1993 17-18 <ANON> Echos de la Recherche: Des Coelacanthes dans le Golfe du Mexique?
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# 111 Science et Vie Junior Décembre, 1 1998 18-20 Nessmann Philippe Coelacanthe: le cousin oublié du Pacific
63 3 Science News January 17 1953 38 <ANON> Capture "Living Fossil" fish
102 2 Science News 1976 28-30 Hopson J.L. Fins to feet to fanclubs: an (old) fish story
132 14 Science News 1987 213 Monastersky R. 'Living fossils' display unusual behaviour
154 13 Science News September, 26 1998 196 Milius Susan Second group of living fossils reported
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157 17 Science News April, 22 2000 258 <ANON> Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
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74 293 Science Progress (Oxford) 1990 53-67 Forey Peter L. The coelacanth fish: progress and prospects
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55 5 Science World November, 2 1998 4- Cannell Michael Science News: Creature from the Black Lagoon: Endangered Coelacanths
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# 192 5 Scientific American November 1954 56 <ANON> Science and the Citizen: Fishing for Prehistory
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243 4 Scientific American October 1980 88,90 <ANON> Coelacanth, elasmobranch or teleost. Fish story
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32 4 Seitai No Kagaku 1989 378-381 Hirano Tetsuya Body fluids of Coelacanth (in Japanese)
58 Senckenbergiana Biol. 1977 275-286 Bonik K.F., Grutmann W.F. Die Biotechnik der Doppelhydraulik (Chorda-Sklerocoelen-Myomeren-System) bei den Acraniern
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12 Sporttaucher 1987 32-33 Xylander W., Nevermann L. Latimeria
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Standard Encycl. of Southern Africa 1971 231-261 Smith James Leonard Brierley Marine fishes. Animal life in Southern Africa (abstracts)
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Strange Magazine December, 20 1998 36-37 Shuker Karl P.N. Menagerie of mysterie
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172 Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde 1967 1-3 Wahlert Gerd von, Wahlert Heidi von Bau und Funktion der paddelformigen Unpaarflossen von Latimeria chalumnæ J.L.B. Smith (Actinistia, Osteichthyes)
173 Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde 1968 Wahlert Gerd von Das "Dritte Flossenpar" von Latimeria
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The Australian September, 25 1998 Leech G. Catch of the day reeled in from the edge of extinction
The Boston Globe April, 1 1983 Malden A.S. Question: Are there any coelacanths (legged-fish) anywhere? Or are they extinct?
The Boston Globe July, 11 1983 Nickerson Colin Cryptozoology searching for unknown creatures
# The Boston Globe December, 1 1997 C01 Bartlett Ellen Going Twice, The ancient coelacanth, once thought to be long extinct, may be dying out for real, the unintended victim of fishermen.
The Boston Globe Februari, 2 1998 Jackson Derrick Z. A Gift from the Sea
The Boston Globe March, 23 1998 Raymo Chet Survivors From an Ancient Time
The Boston Globe September, 29 1998 <ANON> Age Before Beauty
1 The Cape Naturalist 1939 321-327 Smith James Leonard Brierley A living fossil
The Charlotte Observer September, 27 1987 Like primitive fish, presidental campaign performs erratically… [Article ID: 8702080567]
The Charlotte Observer October, 8 1989 Extinction threatens rare-fish escapee [Article ID: 8903070572]
The Charlotte Observer January, 9 1990 Deaths elsewhere. Hendrick Goosen [Article ID: 9001020614]
The Charlotte Observer November, 27 1997 Rare fish makes for a celebrated catch [Article ID: 9711270149]
The Charlotte Observer September, 24 1998 Primitive fish turns up in Indonesian food market [Article ID: 9809240061]
The Charlotte Observer November, 12 2000 <ANON> Fish swims from past to present
The Christian Science Monitor January, 20 1976 Wood L. Comoro Islands coelacanth stamp
The Christian Science Monitor August, 14 1991 Peach Laurie Ann A True Fish Story: 'Extinct' Species Lives
The Christian Science Monitor September, 24 1998 Spotts Peter N. A Real Fish Story: New Pool of Old Species Found
The Christian Science Monitor June, 15 2000 16 Woodard Colin Desperately seeking coelacanths. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The Christian Science Monitor August, 15 2000 22-23 Bonner Hannah Living fossils
94 21 The Chronicle (Duke University, Durham, N.C.) September, 25 1998 <ANON> Duke alumnus happens upon coelacanth in different range
45 6 The Chronicle of Higher Education (Washington) October, 2 1998 A21 McDonald Kim A. Living Fossil' found in Indonesian waters
The Chronicle of Higher Education (Washington) November, 19 1999 A22 <ANON> Genetic Studies: Reveal Indonesian Coelacanth as a New Species
2228 The Cincinnati Enquirer November, 14 1998 Moores Lew Scientist works to save rare species of fish; Coelacanth was thought extinct
The Cincinnati Post September, 24 1998 Rare fish: A 'Living Fossil'
The Columbian September, 24 1998 AP Rare fish found in second location <Indonesian coelacanth>
125 The Courier January, 1 1991 96- <ANON> The Coelacanth
3 2 The Cryptozoology Review Autumn 1998 4-5 Roesch Ben S. Coelacanths found off Indonesia
The Daily Californian September, 25 1998 Oguro Jody Fish specie not unique to Africa, campus prof. Finds
The Daily Californian November, 2 1999 4 Branch-Elliman Westyn Scientist find new species of coelacanth
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) January, 20 1939 <article 1st. Coelacanth>
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) January, 13 1953 Smith James Leonard Brierley Why two coelacanths stirred the world
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 10 1963 Smith James Leonard Brierley The atomic bomb and the coelacanth
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) March, 24 1975 <…. Californian scientists had dined on fillets of this particular coelacanth…>
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) March, 30 1988 Ball I. Rumpus over world's oldest fish
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) November, 25 1989 <ANON> Coelacanth gets new status
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) February, 24 1998 DDC Coelacanth discoverer turns 91
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) February, 25 1998 DDC Famous EL (East London) woman hs wonderful party
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) March, 5 1998 <ANON> Old fourlegs can give East London new boost
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) August, 1 1998 DDR Mint honours EL (East London) fish expert
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) September, 26 1998 SAPA/AFP Coelecanths discovered in Indonesia
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) November, 25 1998 Dickson Peter Celebration for coelacanth's 60th
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 3 1998 <ANON> The woman who stepped back 50 million years
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 12 1998 DDR EL (East London) honours 60 years of 'Old Four Legs'
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 22 1998 Pullen Gail A fishy Christmas gift to East London and the world
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) March, 12 1999 Carlishe Adrienne Ichthyology institute goes national
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) September, 3 1999 DDC-DDR Plea for coelacanths survival
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) September, 11 1999 <ANON> Author talks of "thrilling" search for coelacanth
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) September, 18 1999 Williams Glynn Instinct for the extraordinary: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) January, 29 2000 Elias Lew EC (Eastern Cape) to get taste of 'old four legs' [Coelacanth Brewery]
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) March, 23 2000 Williams Glynn Courteney-Latimer turns 92-again
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) March, 24 2000 DDR Coelacanth lady celebrated in British TV documentary
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) July, 19 2000 DDR Dr. Marjorie and Old Four Legs star again
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) November, 24 2000 <ANON> Gift: Co-owners of Stonehenge Goldsmith in Berea, Grant Gower, present a silver coelacanth pin […]
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 2 2000 SAPA Prehistoric Old Four Legs sighted: Coelacanth colony found
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 2 2000 DDR Courteney-Latimer lauds Coelacanth find
The Daily Dispatch (South Africa) December, 6 2000 Stobbs Robin Coelacanth: misconceptions corrected
The Daily Mirror 1953 <reported that the London Zoo was offering 1,000 pounds for a living specimen>
The Daily Review November, 1 1999 Brand William DNA analysis shed new light on old fish
The Daily Telegraph September, 7 1987 11 Munnion Christopher Fighting to save 'old four legs'
The Daily Telegraph November, 11 1988 Highfield Roger The coelacanth faces second extinction
The Daily Telegraph March, 23 1995 Highfield Roger Coelacanth fossil fish threatened
1217 The Daily Telegraph September, 24 1998 Aisling Irwin Fish on the slab was 360 million years old
The Dallas Morning News June, 3 1991 <ANON> Science update: Biologists find evidence to link rare fish to human's ancestors
The Dallas Morning News October, 11 1998 5 Jackson Derrick Z. The seas yield another reason they should be protected. (Indonesian coelacanth)
The Dallas Morning News June, 18 2000 9 Bortz Fred Keeping step with the coelacanth. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The Evening Standard August, 9 1999 Forty Richard Survival of the fishiest. A fish caught in time: the search for the coelacanth. Book review.
68 The Explorer Journal 1990 117-123 Greenwell J.R. The lady and the coelacanth: remembering the zoological discovery of the century
The Gary Post-Tribune (Indiana) June, 23 1989 Living Fossil' fish faces real extinction because of human actions [Article ID: 8901130756]
The Gary Post-Tribune (Indiana) August, 11 1989 Fishy Story [Article ID: 8901170987]
The Globe and Mail October, 20 1990 D4 Grant D. 'Dinosaur' of the deep
The Guardian (UK) September, 13 1989 Greenwood P. Humphry Fishy ecological tales
The Guardian (UK) August, 14 1999 <ANON> Old Fourlegs is back. Book review S. Weinberg : "A fish caught in time"
The Guardian (UK) August, 25 1999 Foden Giles Fish with a 40-million-year history
The Hartford Courant February, 22 1998 Kemper Steve Fish story
The Herald February, 24 1988 1A,16A Harden M. Couple isn't just spoofing: Edmonds duo study important evolutionary link in coelacanth
The Herald-Dispatch (Huntington WV) May, 8 2000 Fossel Eric Dinofish' were once thought to be extinct
The Hindu January, 4 1953 Krishnaswami S The coelacanth
The Illustrated Weekly of India April, 3 1960 51 Kumar P. The hundred pound fish
The Independent, London May, 22 1989 6 Elliot K. Water brats in the jaws of extinction
The Independent, London February, 27 1998 14 Ottley Tessa Old Four Legs - a living fossil from under the sea
The Independent, London August, 9 1999 Vines Gail 70-million-year-old fish fingers. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The Independent, London August, 15 1999 Singh Simon Serendipity - A living, breathing fossil
The Independent, London May, 21 2000 Phelan Laurence The fish that's really a floating fossil. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The Irish Times September, 24 1998 1 Ahlstrom Dick Honeymooner's fishy tale hits scales at 400m years
The Irish Times September, 4 1999 68 Catling Patrick Skene Meet your ancestor. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
Tha Jakarta Post (Indonesia) October, 29 1999 Foreign, local experts search for ancient fish
The Karachi Dawn December 1952 Missing Link Found
The Los Angeles Times June, 11 1991 Kevles Bettyann Book Review: Scientist's Tale is no Fish Story; Living Fossil: The Story of the Coelacanth, by Keith Thomson [Article ID: 0910069227]
The Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) October, 31 1997 Bartlett Ellen The fossil fish may soon be dead again
The Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) September, 25 1998 Radford Tim Coelecanth (sic) found thousands of kilometres east
The Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) August, 31 1999 Foden Giles Book Review: A fish caught in Time by S. Weinberg
The Manchester Guardian 1953 Daniel and Darwin <about the role of Dr. Malan in the act to save a coelacanth>
The Mercury (South Africa) November, 30 2000 Carnie Tony, Jenkins Chris Diver dies filming dinosaur of the deep
The Mercury (South Africa) December, 1 2000 de Beer Erika Ministers bask in reflected fish glory
The Mercury (South Africa) December, 4 2000 Carnie Tony Coelacanths may swim into internet
The Mercury (South Africa) December, 20 2000 Carnie Tony Mini-sub to peep at Sodwana's dinosaur fish
The Miami Herald September, 25 1997 Film of rare 'fossil fish' offers clues to evolution
The Miami Herald September, 24 1998 Living fossil' surfaces 6,000 miles from home
The Natal Witness (South Africa) December, 2 2000 SAPA Coelacanth found in KZN waters
8 The Natural World 1991 303-308 Jorgensen J.M. Elektroreceptorer hos den bla fisk og andre hvirveldyr (Electric sensors in the blue fish and other chordates) (in Danish)
25 1 The Naturalist (Port Elisabeth) 1981 40-41 Croeser P.M.C. Another chapter in the coelacanth story
33 3 The Naturalist (Port Elisabeth) November 1989 5-13 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Does the coelacanth occur in the Eastern Cape?
The New York Herald and Tribune December, 30 1952 <ANON> Air race to save fish stirs scientists here
The New York Times December, 27 1952 <ANON> Prehistoric fish believed caught
The New York Times December, 30 1952 <ANON> 14-year hunt yields ,missing link'
The New York Times December, 31 1952 <ANON> Scale of "Missing link" fish given to Malan, foe of evolution theory
The New York Times January, 2 1953 Smith James Leonard Brierley Scientists tells of rare fish find
The New York Times January, 4 1953 Plumb R.K. Strange fish from the ocean deep should cast new light on the process of evolution
The New York Times September, 24 1987 1,19 Browne Malcolm W. Photos of rare fish may be due to evolution
The New York Times April, 9 1988 A30 Hamlin J. Capture of 'fossil fish' also promotes its ultimate survival
The New York Times January, 8 1988 B6 Browne Malcolm W. Scientists examine two dead fish for ancient and living secrets
The New York Times March, 22 1988 C1,C8 Browne Malcolm W. Do Scientists pose a threat to rare 'fossil fish'?
The New York Times September 1989 C4 Protzman F. Effort to capture 'fossil fish' draws fire
The New York Times April, 18 1995 C4 Browne Malcolm W. Fish that dates back to age of dinosaurs is verging on extinction
The New York Times September, 24 1998 Browne Malcolm W. Second home of fish from dinosaur age is ound
The New York Times May, 7 2000 Whitworth E. Andra Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The New York Times December, 1 2000 Reuters Living Fossil' discovered off South Africa Coast
The Oakland Tribune September, 24 1998 Brand William The one that got away -- until now
The Oakland Tribune September, 29 1998 <ANON> Fishermen teach science not to assume
The Oakland Tribune October, 5 1998 Jackson Derrick Z. Fish offers a window into the past
The Oakland Tribune November, 1 1999 Brand William Dinosaur fish show DNA differences. Cal scientists hint 2nd species of coelacanth
12 197 The Patriot Ledger, (Quincy, MA) October, 8 1998 Perlman David Fish considered a living fossil presents new mystery <Indonesian coelacanth>
2 The Phoenix, Grahamstown 1989 8-15 Stobbs Robin E. The coelacanth enigma
The Pretoria News 1952 <article 2nd. Coelacanth>
The Record, Northern New Jersey October, 12 1998 Radford Tim Living fossil' is far-ranging
The Sacramento Bee January, 2 1990 Fish that time forgot
The Sacramento Bee April, 23 1991 A4 Their object: tracking down fabled creatures
The Sacramento Bee July, 14 1991 EN7 The prehistoric fish that didn't get away
The Sacramento Bee September, 24 1998 A4 Discovery of an ancient fish makes a splash long thought extinct, creature lived in the age of dinosaurs
The San Diego Union April, 30 1975 B-3 <ANON> Scripp's scientists study rare fish
6 The Sciences (N.Y. Academy of  Science) 1966 17-21 <ANON> A living Fossil
25 The Sciences (UK) May-June 1985 48 Westrum Ron Blinded by the night: the reality of the coelacanth
The Scotsman (Scotland) December, 2 2000 Reuters Fatal discovery of rare fish
2 The Sea 1975 436-438 Long A. Living Fossils
The Seattle Times December, 7 1975 Williams H. Very ancient fish deals science yet another surprise
The Seattle Times September, 24 1998 Mc Farling Usha Lee Primitive Fish found living in new waters
2 The South African Connection 1987 46-47 <ANON> The Comores
The Star (South Africa) January, 26 1989 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The coelacanth stamps
The Star (South Africa) February, 9 1989 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. Coelacanth stamps issued today
The Star (South Africa) December, 17 2000 Feris Melanie-Ann Coelacanths to reel in the tourists?
12 186 The State Journal - Register Springfield, Ill. September, 25 1998 M1, M2 <ANON> Second population of 'living fossil' fish found far from first / Coelacanth found off the coast of Indonesia
The Sunday Independent (South Africa) October, 16 1999 Magwood Michele Coelacanth inspires tale of passion. Book review: A fish caught in time by S. Weinberg
The Sunday Leisure Post August, 7 1999 <ANON> Book Review: A fish caught in Time by S. Weinberg
The Tablet, London September, 9 1999 Le Fann James Book Review: A fish caught in Time by S. Weinberg
6 The Testimony 1998 241 <ANON> Correspondence: Coelecanth (sic); discovery of another living fossil
The Times, London March, 10 1939 <ANON> Surveyor of an ancient line
The Times, London March, 17 1939 <ANON> A coelacanth fish
The Times, London Januari, 1953 <article 2nd. Coelacanth>
52 The Times, London June, 3 1954 7 Millot Jacques Further study of the coelacanth. Remains of pulmonary organ
The Times, London June, 4 1954 Smith James Leonard Brierley Conservation of the coelacanth
The Times, London June, 4 1956 Smith James Leonard Brierley <Letter on the conservation of coelacanths>
The Times, London June, 5 1956 Beer Gravin de A reply letter of J.L.B. Smith on conservation of coelacanth
The Times, London June, 14 1956 Millot Jacques A reply to letter by J.L.B. Smith on 'conservation of coelacanths'
The Times, London May, 10 2000 Hawkes Nigel Going slow is the old fish's secret
The Times, London July, 14 2000 Hawkes Nigel Fishy tale puts French in hot water
The Times of Malta December 1952 Malan sends plane to collect reputedly extinct fish
The Wichita Eagle September, 27 1987 A deep look at coelacanths  [Article ID: 8702080527]
The Wichita Eagle March, 27 1988 Coveting rare fish could kill it  [Article ID: 8801130642]
The Wichita Eagle September, 17 1989 Rare-fish expedition catches some flak  [Article ID: 8902050517]
Thieme, Leipzig 1960 Werner C.F. Das Gehörorgan der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen
This is London August, 9 1999 Fortey Richard Book Review: A fish caught in Time by S. Weinberg
Time for Kids October, 2 1998 <ANON> An ancient fish in new waters
153 7 Time Magazine International February, 22 1999 Burpee Geoff New depths: taking the plunge in Asia
Times Weekly Review, London January, 8 1953 Smith James Leonard Brierley The incredible coelacanth
Times Weekly Review, London June, 10 1954 Millot Jacques Coelacanth under the microscope
10 4 Tissue & Cell 1978 671-686 Giraud Marie-Madeleine, Castanet Jacques, Meunier François-Jean, Bouligand Yves  The fibrous structure of coelacanth scales: a twisted 'plywood'
12 4 Tissue & Cell 1980 637-645 Geraudie J., Meunier François-Jean Elastoidin actinotrichia in coelacanth fins: a comparison with teleosts
13 1 Tissue & Cell 1981 165-171 Meunier François-Jean 'Twisted plywood' structure and mineralization in the scales of a primitive fish Amia calva
Tokai University Press, Tokio 1989 1-47 Balon Eugene K., Goto A., Maekawa K. (ed) Styles in reproduction and early ontogeny in: "Reproductive Behaviour in Fishes: Styles and Strategies (in Japanese)"
6 248 Tomorrow's Morning November, 17 1997 <ANON> This is no fish story
8 Traffic (U.S.A.) 1988 8 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. 'Fossil' fish trade causes concern
8 Traffic (U.S.A.) 1988 9 Gaski A.L. 'Fossil' fish trade causes concern
3 Traité de Paléontologie Masson 1966 442pp Piveteau Jean (éd) Vol. 3 (Tome IV): Actinoptérigiens, Crossoptérigiens, Dipneuses (1966, 442pp, 357 figs., ISBN 2-225-58080-4)
3 Traité de Paléontologie Masson 1966 301-412 Lehman Jean-Pierre Crossopterygii
13 Traité de Zoologie Masson 1958 2553-2597 Millot Jacques, Anthony Jean Crossoptérygiens actuels Latimeria Chalumnæ, dernier des crossoptérygiens (also: pp 1831-1856)
13 Traité de Zoologie (18 Vols.) Masson 1958 Grassé P.P. (ed.) Tome 13, Agnathes et Poissons, Anatomie, Ethologie (Tome 13 has 3 Vols., Vol. 1, 1958, 926pp, 680 figs, (16x24), ISBN 2-225-58410-9), Vol. 2, 1958, 890pp, 680 figs, (16x24), ISBN 2-225-58432-X), Vol. 3, 1958, 946pp, 582 figs, (16x24), ISBN 2-225-58454-0)
81 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 1978 93-94 Wiley Edward O. The phylogenetic relationships of Latimeria chalumnæ
95 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 1992 129-138 Robb A.J. Vertebrate fossils from the Lawrence Formation (Douglas Group, Virgilian, Upper Pennsylvanian) in Northeastern Kansas
2 Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 1884 427-433 Davis J.W. On a new species of Coelacanthus (C. tingleyensis) from the Yorkshire Cannel coal.
15 6 Transactions of the New York Academy of Science Series 2 1953 170-178 Schaeffer Bobb Latimeria and the history of Coelacanth fishes
76 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Earth Sci. 1985 53-59 Forey Peter L., Young V.T. Acanthodian and coelacanthfishes from the Dinantian of Foulden, Berwickshire, Scotland
81 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Earth Sci. 1990 Panchen A.L., Smithson T.R. The pelvic girdle and hind limb of Crassigyrinus scoticus (Lydekker) from the Scottish Carboniferous and the origin of the tetrapod pelvic skeleton
# 27 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa June 1939 47-50+ill. Smith James Leonard Brierley A surviving fish of the order Actinistia
# 28 1 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa January 1940 1-106+ill. Smith James Leonard Brierley A Living Coelacanthid Fish from South Africa
47 Part 1 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 1989 1-7-?? Smith James Leonard Brierley A surviving fish of the order Actinistia (Reprinted  from vol. 27 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary)
47 Part 1 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 1989 19-28 Bruton Michael (Mike) N. The living coelacanth 50 years later
51 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa March '97 1997 320pp Skelton Paul H., Lutjehans J.R.E (eds.) The J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology - 50 Years
10 8 Travel and Nature 1998 Erdmann Mark V. Can the "king of the sea" help Indonesian tourism?
24 Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1982 285-288 Papadopol A. Des formes nouvelles, perfectionnées et modernisées de présentation de quelques pièces anciennes de grand valeur scientifique-muséistique au Muséum d'Histoire naturelle 'Grigore Antipa'
5 Trav. Zool. Institute of Leningrad 1940 87-517 Berg L.S. Classification of fishes, both recent and fossil (English edition by J.W. Edwards, Ann. Arbor, Michigan (1947))
10 3 Trends in Ecology & Evolution March 1995 111-116 Meyer Axel Molecular Evidence on the Origin of Tetrapods and the Relationships of the Coelacanth (Review)
13 8 Trends in Ecology & Evolution August 1998 333-334 Clack J.A. Palaeoichthiology
Tri-Valley Herald November, 1 1999 Brand William DNA may prove second species of ancient fish
24 1 Tropical Fish Hobbyist January 1975 19 Todd T.N. The lungfishes - living fossils
24 1 Tropical Fish Hobbyist January 1975 23-24 Todd T.N. The lungfishes - living fossils
24 1 Tropical Fish Hobbyist January 1975 26 Todd T.N. The lungfishes - living fossils
24 1 Tropical Fish Hobbyist January 1975 28 Todd T.N. The lungfishes - living fossils
28 12 Tropical Fish Hobbyist December 1980 4-16 Brittan M.R. Steinhart Aquarium, a San Francisco jewel
36 3 Tropical Fish Hobbyist March 1987 77-84 Maisey John G. New fossil coelacanth named after Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod [pp. 77-80 and 83-84]
38 6 Tropical Fish Hobbyist February 1990 117-129 Balon Eugene K. The living coelacanth endangered: a personalized tale
38 7 Tropical Fish Hobbyist March 1990 122-131 Balon Eugene K. Tracking the coelacanth: a follow-up tale
44 1 Tropical Fish Hobbyist September 1995 227- Maisy John G. Ancient coelacanth Giants
47 2 Tropical Fish Hobbyist Februar 1998 36-40 Stratton R.F. Dead again
5 Trudi Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk 1940 1-517 Berg Leo Semenovitch Classification of fishes both recent and fossil
32 Turtox News 1954 174-178 Smith Margaret Mary The treatment and preservation of a coelacanth for specialised study
Tuttle-Mori Agency, Japan 1981 240pp Smith James Leonard Brierley Old fourlegs: a story of the coelacanth (in Japanese)
# Thomas Y. Crowell Co April 1973 34pp Aliki (Brandenberg) The Long Lost Coelacanth: And Other Living Fossils [Juvenil book, ISBN 06-9050478-0 and 06-90500479-9]
Thomas Y. Crowell Co 1966 53-63 Silverberg Robert [Ill. By Fisher Leonard Everett] The Finny Fossils in: "Forgotton By Time: a Book of Living Fossils"
Uganda  Society, Kampala 1958 Greenwood P. Humphry The Fishes of Uganda
70 Umschau. Wiss. Tech. 1970 414 Pfeiffer W. Sinnesorgane 'niederer Knochenfische'
19 Underwater (South-Africa) 1992 31-33 Hissmann Karen, Schauer Jürgen The privacy of a living fossil: the coelacanths off Grande Comore
9 4 Underwater Naturalist 1976 4-7 Atz James W. Latimeria babies are born, not hatched
University of Aix-Marseille M.S. - Thesis 2000 Hénon Christine Le paradigme Gombessa: l'écologie cognitive pour l'environnement. Etudes critiques et des possibilités des connaissances et des valeurs des connaissances pour l'environnement autour du 'cas coelacanthe' et de l'exemple australien
# University of Basel M.S. - Thesis 1981 69pp Tanner Karl Martin Die Axiale Muskulatur von Latimeria Chalumnae (Smith) - Eine Topografisch - Anatomische Untersuchung
University of California Press 1973 157pp Eakin R.M. The third eye
University of Chicago Press 2nd ed. 1955 687pp Romer Alfred Sherwood Vertebrate Palaeontology (377 figs.)
University of Chicago Press 3rd ed. 1966 468pp Romer Alfred Sherwood Vertebrate Palaeontology
University of Chicago Press comp. to 3rd ed. 1968 304pp Romer Alfred Sherwood Notes and comments on vertebrate palaeontology
University of Chicago Press 1987 188pp Radinski L.B. The evolution of vertebrate design
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph. D. Thesis 1989 198pp Moberg Kirk D. Tetrapod phylogeny as inferred from 185 and 285 ribosomal RNA sequence comparisons
12 University of Kansas 1963 475-501 Echols J. A new genus of Pannsylvanian fish (Crossoterygii, Coelacanthiformes) from Kansas (Mus. Nat. Hist. Lawrence publ. 12)
21 University of Kansas Scientific Bulletin 1933 279-283 Hibbard C.W. Two species of coelacantus from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Anderson County, Kansas
University of Kansas, Lawrence Ph. D. Thesis 1989 403pp Cloutier Richard Phylogenetic interrelationships of the Actinistians (Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii): patterns, trends, and rates of evolution
# University of Nijmegen Ph. D. Thesis 1981 125pp Kremers Jan-Willem P.M. The brain of the Crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnæ Smith
University of Paris M. Sc. Thesis 1973 137pp Boulinier-Giraud G. Etude morphologique de la pirogue a balancer aux Comores et dans l'ouest de l'océan indien
University of Stockholm Dept. Geology 1982 113pp Mee-Mann C. The braincase of Youngolepis, a Lower Devonian crossopterygian from Yunnan, south-western China
Unpublished report to the Royal Soc. of London 1970 11pp Forster G.R. Diary and report of G.R. Forster on his visit to the Comoro Islands 10 to 16 October 1970
US Airways Attache magazine January 1999 52-60 Cannel M. The fossil lives
28 4 Vakblad Biologie Helder 1948 65-71 Ihle J.E.W., Ihle-Landenberg M.E. Nieuw onderzoekingen over Latimeria chalumnæ
15 6 Vancouver Public Aquarium Newsletter 1971 5pp Newman M. Search for a coelacanth
18 Vancouver Public Aquarium Newsletter 1974 1-3 Renwick M. Coelacanth revisited
34 Verhandlungen der Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft 1967 527-529 Wahlert Gerd von Demonstration von Latimeria chalumnæ J.L.B. Smith
80 Verhandlungen der Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft 1987 145-146 Fritzsch B Die papilla basilaris von Latimeria chalumnæ und die Evolution von amphibien typischen auditieven Sinnesepithelien (abstract)
8 Vertebrata Palasiatica, Peking 1964 211-214 Liu H.T. A new coelacanth from the marine Lower Triassic of N.W. Kwangsi, China [In Chinese with English summary]
19 Vertebrata Palasiatica, Peking 1981 305-312 Wang N., Liu H.T. Coelacanth fishes from the marine Permian of Zhejiang, South China [In Chinese with English summary]
52 Vesmir 1973 247 Holèík Juraj The living fossil fish (in Slovak)
77 6 Vesmir 1998 355 Hosek Pavel Vzácny exempláø v. kuchyri (in Slovak)
Vesmir February, 2 1999 95 Holèík Juraj Latiméria v. Ázii (in Slovak)
61 Vestník Ustredního Ústava Geologickeho 1986 209-216 Tima V. Revision of Macropoma speciosum Reuss, 1857. (Crossopterygii, Coelacanthiformes)
70 Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 1953 43 Willis J.B. The second coelacanth
127 Vidensk. Meddel. Fra Dansk Nat. Forening 1964 113-125 Munk O. The eye of Calamoichthys calabaricus Smith, 1865 (Polypteridæ Pisces) compared with the eye of other fishes (Videnskabelige Meddelelser Fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening)
Voortrekkerpers, Johannesburg 1968 49-57 Smith James Leonard Brierley (ed.) The coelacanth in: "Our fishes" (exists also in Afrikaans: "Ons Visse", 302pp, Johannesburg, 1969)
Voortrekkerpers, Johannesburg 1969 141pp Bell Shirley Old man coelacanth
122 Vor viden 1954 545-553 Nielsen E. Living fossil fish waits for mother and wife (in Danish)
24 2 Vox Sang. Februari 1973 175-178 Tippet P., Teesdale T. Limited blood group tests on samples from two coelacanths Latimeria chalumnæ
Ed. 2 W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia 1955 Romer Alfred Sherwood The vertebrate Body
# Ed. 3 W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia 1962 627pp Romer Alfred Sherwood The vertebrate Body
W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia 1961 Prosser C., Brown F. Jr. Comparative Animal Physiology
Ed. 2 W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia 1971 259pp Moy-Thomas J.A., Miles R.S. Palaeozoic Fishes
1 Wallacean Conservation Bulletin September 1999 Erdmann Mark V. An assesment of the conservation status of the Indonesian coelacanth Latimeria menadoensis
1 1 Warta Zoologi (Indonesia) 1998/1999 Rachmatika Ike, Tjakrawidjaja A.H., Wirtjoatmojo S. Ikan Latimeria Menadoensis, ikan purba dari Manado Tua
Washington Post September, 25 1987 A02 Johnson Haynes Campaigns and coelacanths
Washington Post September, 28 1987 A04 Rensberger Boyce Coelacanth-watching
Washington Post September, 28 1998 A02 Suplee Curt, Schwartz John, Stein Rob Science Notebook: Zoology: 'Living Fossils' Surface in Indonesia [Article ID: 9810130104]
Washington Post November, 11 1998 H01 Jewett Susan L. On the Trail of the Coelacanth, a Living Fossil [Article ID: 9811260017]
Washington Post November, 11 1998 H04 Jewett Susan L. Living Fossils: You haven't changed a bit [Article ID: 9811260024]
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